Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bad Blogger Award

I have been absolutely horrible at posting lately. I could give excuses as to why I haven't updated, but honestly, I've just not had anything to write about. Sure Carrie and I went to the Britney Spears Concert last week, but lately the thought of uploading all the pictures just isn't in the least appealing. We had a great time and it was one of the best nights of my life to date, but I'm just not in the mood to post about it. I log on a few times a week to read my favorite blogs, but I just don't come post. I think if blogger required you to post before you read any updates, there'd be no use for this thing.

Don't let this come across as me being in some bad mood, because I'm not. So many things in my life are going well right now, that I'm still just waiting for something bad to happen. I know that is no way to live, but seriously things have just gone too well for too long.

Work has picked up, my social calendar is still full and on top of that, starting next Saturday I will be working six days a week until November.

I hate to say it, but expect very few blogs for me, unless for some reason I get this huge burst of energy. I don't see it happening.

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