Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Fever

I have it like no other. Like all I think about is babies. Morning, noon and night. When I'm at a store, the first place I want to go is the baby section. If I see a baby out somewhere its like there is some force pushing me closer to the baby. I can't help it.

And the fact that I can just imagine how great of a daddy Justin is going to be, it just makes me think about it that much more.

On Sunday, Justin and I were at lunch with my parents and some friends of their's who have two little girls. I've know these little girls since they were babies. Out of the blue, M we'll call her, asks me "When are you going to have babies?" I immediately turned to Justin and he said "When the time is right". Ughhh I feel like its taking forever and that I am the MOST impatient person ever :(

Not to mention that Justin's brother and SIL are expecting. Maybe I can cure my baby fever with "Aunt Allie" for a little while?



Doesn't she just make you melt! :)

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