Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Recap and Things to Look Forward To :)

I hope everyone had as great a weekend as I did. It was exactly what I needed :)

Friday morning on my way to work, my dad called and asked if I would come to the beach this weekend with him and my mom to visit the rest of the family. I had originally planned on not going for two reasons: I didn't have the extra money for gas and I was tired and wanted a relaxing weekend to rest and work on our office. I quickly realized that life isn't about an unorganized wallet, or not having enough money for a trip to the beach. Its about family and I'm so glad I went.

I got off at one, raced home, packed faster than I ever have before and drove to my parents house. This is all after I had a minor meltdown about the fact that payday was Friday and I had a bill due by 5PM that day and my boss did not leave my check at the office and wasn't going to be back by the time I left. However, he was able to put my check in the bank, by 2PM (so it counted for Friday) and included a nice bonus for the end of the fiscal year - he's great I know!

We hopped back in the car, along with my fourteen year old cousin Jayme and headed to the beach. We met my uncle, aunt and cousins Forrest (yes just like Run Forest Run) and Lawson who happen to be Jayme's immediate family for dinner at McDonalds. My aunt, uncle and cousins were staying in the super old house built by my grandpa's dad, yes you read that correctly in this tiny town called Atlantic - no stop lights people, plus hardly anything else. Jayme was staying with us at my aunt's house so we headed that way.

First we were supposed to stop in New Bern to see my cousin Elizabeth's new house and have cake for her husband Matt's birthday. They were running late for dinner, so we stopped at the New Bern Mall. Bath and Body Works had a sale on all their signature collection items, Buy three, get two free :) I bought the scent "Carried Away" - its amazing. I got the body wash, lotion, body spray, and two sparkle body sprays (one for Jayme) and one of their AMAZING candles that last forever in Island Margarita for a whopping $53.11!

Once we got to Elizabeth's house, I had a hard time not stealing ALL of her decorations. It was absolutely goregous and I'm not kidding :)

We got back to Aunt Cheryl's and hung out till bed. Jayme and I slept in my cousin Kelley's bed. Kelley is a phlebotimist and works nights on the weekends. So when she got home at 6AM we were woken up and started our day that early. Night of only 5 hours of sleep, take one (yes it happens again)

My aunt made chocolate and biscuits for breakfast. It's delicious, I can't even begin to describe to you the greatness of it. She then proceeded to put a body wave in my hair. I am so thankful that I don't have to look like a hot mess everyday now, but that it only takes me 30 minutes to get ready now!

Afterwards, we headed down to Atlantic and spent the day there. The weather was wonderful. It was probably in the 70s all day and there was a wonderful breeze that lasted all day and into the night. Atlantic is the last town on Hwy 70 before you hit the Atlantic Ocean: hence the name. But its great that the house is right on the water. The days festivites included a major water fight led by my cousin Forrest and my mom and uncle, my brother fishing (well, trying), school pizza (it looked just like pizza you get in school, but tasted 10 times worse) and a game of Trivial Pursuit.

Morning two, was started by my brother finding it necessary to wake me up at 6:45AM, by telling me it was 8AM. NOT FUNNY, AT ALL! We headed back down to Atlantic for church with my grandpa, as it would have also been my grandma's 68th birthday and the reason behind this mini family reunion. After church we had lunch, and went to the cemetary to put some flowers on grandma's grave.

We all then said goodbye and headed our seperate ways. I stayed at mom and dad's last night and am now back at work.

It was a relaxing weekend, but I definitely had to come home to get some rest. I wouldn't be surprised if I am in bed by 9 tonight.

Also, I joined the tweeting world this weekend - follow me: tarrantam88

This upcoming week/weekend has a lot going on. Justin and I are headed to my parent's house this weekend to spend it with my mom for her birthday. I'm hoping I can talk her into Miyabi's (a Japanese steakhouse) for her birthday dinner :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and a happy Monday. Sorry there aren't any pictures. I took a few, but all from my phone and they were kind of blurry.

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