Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Yesterday was Jackson's second birthday. My boss has four of the cutest and sweetest kids you'll ever meet. There is Maddie who will be eight next month, Braden who will be seven in February, Carter who will be three in January and Jackson who we were celebrating yesterday! I had a mini panic attack when my boss told me they were moving to Minnesota last March, and I cried like a baby when I had to say goodbye in July. However, they are back and life is good :)

After work yesterday I was supposed to watch the kiddos while their momma went to an event at Maddie & Braden's school. Randy was out of town. They are having a birthday party for Jack on Saturday and I'll be out of town for my own sweet momma's birthday so I wanted to do something for him tonight. I picked up a cake, a BIG red ball and the cutest Cars folding chair and headed over.

I have never seen a more excited kid than I did yesterday when he saw me walk in with that big red ball! We had dinner and cake, played with the ball and gave baths. All in all it was a wonderful night, but great birth control :)

Don't take that as them being awful kids, or me not wanting children because I do. But 2 will end up being my magic number! I have the worst baby fever possible...I even manage to stop and look at the baby section at every store, even though I'm not pregnant...and not married.

Now for a few pictures.

{happy birthday jackson}
 {my sweet babies}
 {carter trying out jackson's new chair, such a cutie}
 {he was done waiting on me to get him some cake!}
{his words were, "take a picture of me eating allie"}

Now I'm off to clean up around the house, grab some lunch and pack for tomorrow. J and I are haded to my parents house to celebrate my momma's birthday. I promise to take pictures :)

Happy Friday Y'all

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