Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jam Packed!

We are only 4 days into August and I feel like the entire month is planned already! August must just be a super busy month for me, but geez can I get a break?!?

Thankfully I get this weekend to relax with my love before things get too hectic! I was asked this morning if I could watch my bosses FOUR children Monday and Tuesday while he and his wife (who also works with us) attend a meeting in Savannah. I've done this before, and honestly I feel like it may be easier than it used to be. Before they moved to Minnesota (and moved back to NC :)) I would watch all four kids for a few days at a time. At this point they were 7, 5, 2 and 10 months. The baby didn't sleep in his own room and woke up numerous times thru out the night. And the oldest two were home schooled/it was the summer. So I had to come up with things to do for four children all day long! Luckily they oldest two are in school and the younger two are pretty self sufficient at this point.

The following weekend is a trip to Morehead City with my family, followed by Momma's birthday weekend the next weekend and then a four day "watching the Storts' kids" adventure. Ahh what have I signed myself up for?!

However, I am very thankful that I am getting off today and tomorrow at 1PM. One of our school systems has a summer school graduation in the next few weeks and as always, people wait until the last minute to order their cap and gown. Therefore I had to come in for a little bit tomorrow. However, I think I would have preferred this schedule the whole summer!

Heather and I are going to grab some lunch and get manicures. Tonight is eviction night on Big Brother! I sooo hope the houseguests aren't complete idiots and keep Brendon over Jordan. You never know with this game, but I am seriously tired of Rachel whining 24/7!!

Oh and for a little update on my post from yesterday, Justin and I are doing much better. I guess I have to compromise, just as much as I want him to. We will get through this. I just know it. :)

Happy Thursday Y'all :)

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