Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm feeling a little lazy...

SO - I found this little survey over here and I'm gonna do it instead of having to come up with something entertaining or even interesting to say the least...
Of course it's going to be about me and my lover, J :)
Where are we in life?
Well - we have been together for 14 months, living together for 8 months. We found a place together to rent (not just one where either of us lived and the other moved their stuff in) and things are going wonderful, not too fast, not too slow - just at the right speed. Although, and I've told J and of course my closest girlfriends that while I'm not ready to plan a wedding, I wouldn't mind wearing something sparkly on my left hand... just sayin ;)
How old are we?
We are 23 and 30...yep I like them old enough to be mature, but not old enough to be my daddy!
what are our occupations?
J sells insurance for First Citizens and he is damn good at it. I am the office manager for Jostens, providing class rings and graduation products to high school juniors and seniors.
Where do we live?
We live in Wendell, NC. It's a small town about 15 minutes outside of Raleigh in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath renter.
what do we drive?
J drives a 2009 Chevy Impala
I drive a 2009 Ford Focus
how many children do we have?
Zero, not married yet people :)
how many children do we want?
2 or 3

what do we enjoy on friday nights?
We usually go to dinner, go have dinner with his grandparents, or just lounge around the house, maybe rent a movie from On Demand
what's the last movie we watched?
The last movie we watched was from On Demand. It was called Take Me Home Tonight with Topher Grace & Anna Farris. It was set in 1988 (the year I was born lol)
what are our new favorite songs?
I love jamming to Party Rock by LMAFO, Till the World Ends by Britney Spears (6 days until the concert) and The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco - the all just have good beats :)
As for J - I have noooo idea
what are we looking forward to?
I am looking forward to spending some time with J at my parents house this weekend for my sweet Momma's 49th birthday.
For the long term, probably just what the future brings - I'm up for anything.
J is looking forward to College Football. I have been reminded oh 3 or 4 times A DAY that it starts on September 3rd

what are our current most prized possessions?
Hmm...I'm not sure about J, but I know mine is my fairly new iPhone and of course my Coach purse and wallet :)
what are our "bad habits"?
My bad habit is shopping...way too much. I mean we aren't dying for money or anything, but I'm trying to pay off some credit cards and will never be able to do so if I keep shopping. Target is my Kryptonite. I can spend $50 or more EVERY time I go in there. Good thing to know that, its not just me...Target seriously is heaven...

J's bad habits are taking his close off and leaving them in piles, not shutting cabinet doors or drawers and not washing the dishes off when he gets done using them. I don't even ask him to put them in the dishwasher, just to rinse them off - I sure do love him though <3

Happy Thursday, well Friday in my case since I'm off tomorrow :) Carrie and I are going to FINALLY watch Something Borrowed as I bought it the other night at Target - I know surprise, surprise. Now to leave ya'll with a little happiness for the day!

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