Friday, August 5, 2011

Nail Salons

I'm sure you have all been to a nail salon. I'm not talking about the fancy spa places that serve you champagne while you are getting a pedi (although I've been to one and its a definite must, at least once in your life) I'm talking about the nail salons that are run by most of the time Vietmanese who have changed their names to like "Nicole" or "Brad" and who constantly talk to their coworkers in Vietmanese. I swear it always makes me feel like they are talking crap about my cuticles, or how long its been since I've gotten a pedicure, or the fact that my baby toe nail is so tiny that I just skip right over it when painting my toe nails! The ones that have names like "Marvelous Nail" or "Focus Nail". The ones that let their small children run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

So yesterday, after our lunch date, Heather and I decided to get pedicures and get our nails done. We try out a new place, which can be kind of scary in itself. I like my acrylic nails to be a certain way: short with a thinner white line for French tips. Most of the time, they want to make them crazy long and give you a white tip half the size of your nail! So we walk in and its not busy at all. We are told to pick a color for our pedi's. I choose this shimmery bright purple and eventually Heather decides that's her pick too. We get our pedicures (which felt great by the way) and get this outcome:

All during our pedicures, the shop owner's cute little boy was riding around on a scooter. However, he kept yelling "A is for Apple, A is for Apple" which we found out was a song on the computer he liked listening to. He also stole his mom's chair (who happened to be doing my toes) and he fell out of it when she took it back. He grabbed a pair of scissors and began to run around with those. He would run his scooter into the glass door repeatedly. How lovely!

We began getting our nails done. Apparently the other girl who did those, was brand new. I wish I could have taken a picture of what she did and what the other lady fixed. I was quite nervous for a bit there. However they turned out like this:

Sorry for the bad cuticles :(

All in all it was a pretty successful trip. I got my pedicure (with a free design on my big toes), and my acrylic nails with french tips for $56.00!

We concluded the day with Birthday Cake Remix from Coldstone.

Today will consist of:

1. Getting off at 1PM - only two more hours!
2. Going with Carrie while she shops for new clothes (I pray that everyone else in Raleigh is waiting until tomorrow to take advantage of tax free weekend)
3. Relaxing as much as possible

Happy Friday & Happy Weekend Y'all :)

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