Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday :)

I haven't done one of these in a few weeks, and I have A LOT to love lately, so I figured I'd share them :)

  • That my boyfriend is everything I'm not. When I get frustrated because the potatoes are burning, he is patient enough to come take over. When I can't seem to plunge the kitchen sink because something has clogged it, he takes care of it. And lastly, that when I'm having a bad day, he comes up behind me, grabs me and kisses my neck and all those butterflies that swarmed my stomach the first time we met, come fluttering back :) I'm so blessed!
  • I am so happy that my boss and his family are back in the Raleigh area, and for good! I not only missed having such an awesome boss, but I missed his kids too! I've been lucky enough to watch them for a few hours here and there, and some during the work day (I mean who wouldn't wanna watch kids instead of answer the phone to get yelled out?) Here are a few pictures from the past few days, I don't have any of their oldest Maddie, she's been out doing her thing:

{Jackson - 2 years old} 
{he practically chews on it, instead of sucking on it}
 {Carter - 3 years old}
{such a ham!}
 {Braden-6, Carter, and Jackson playing Wii}
 {how could you ever be upset with this face?}
{the things that entertain them}

  • the slight cool down this weekend - although 90's to high 80's hardly sounds like a cool down!
  • finally getting the cleaning bug! I'm so ready for my house to look like a home, and not just a pig sty
  • learning to cook, although its been difficult, i feel like such a little wifey when I make dinner
  • my iPhone - its so amazing! I could never imagine going to something different
  • the Britney Spears concert - in 2 weeks!!!
  • and finally, the fact that my cousins, my brother and I can come up with over $600 to pay for our mom and aunt to go on a train trip all the way to Maine! The trip costs $500, so they both will have some spending money as well. Their dad was in the army, and they have been to 40 something of the 50 US States and both have a goal to get to all 50 before they turn 50. They are going to knockout all of the northern states! :)
Happy Hump Day Ya'll - We're almost there :)

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