Sadly, the weekend is over. My FB status this morning says "Why can't the weekend go by as slow as the week normally does? Hello Monday..."
While, yes I'm a little bummed the weekend is over and I had to wake up early, but at least I'm waking up and getting another day :)
This weekend was exactly what I needed. In a few of my posts I have mentioned that I have been away from home every weekend since June. This was the first weekend that I was going to at least be "in" Raleigh.
I got an extra special treat last week. Normally I am off all day Friday which is wonderful. However my boss needed me to come in for a few hours Friday morning so instead I worked Thursday and Friday 9-1. I absolutely LOVED having those afternoon hours off.
Thursday afternoon was filled with lunch, mani/pedi's and Coldstone with Heather.
Friday afternoon was filled with going to the health department which was FULL of crazies, battling the "tax free weekend" shoppers, who I must say are VERY rude, and watching countless episodes of Say Yes to the Dress with Carrie
Saturday morning I woke up and checked my phone. It was 10:25! I could hardly believe it. It was still so dark in our room. I had mentioned the previous night that I wished that I had some dark blankets or even tin foil to put up on our bedroom windows (ghetto I know) so that I could sleep in. As soon as the bright sun shines thru, I'm up. Luckily, we were having a morning Thunderstorm. So what looked like 6AM was really 10:30 :)
Justin and I headed to the grocery store to get some things for breakfast. We ended up with quite a bit more, but it was mostly snacks and other things to cook. We get back home and I start cooking breakfast. Normally I'm good at this. However, the bacon pan wasn't hot enough because it wasn't cooking very fast and the potato pan was too hot because they were burning. Luckily, Justin stepped in and made breakfast while I watched TV on the couch, I love him for things like that!
We finally ate breakfast around 12:30. I followed up with a 2 hour nap :) We were so lazy Saturday it was pretty much ridiculous. Although, I know once we are married and have kids, lazy Saturday's will be no more, I'm going to enjoy them while I can. I made tacos for dinner and we ended the night with the movie Take Me Home Tonight. It has Anna Faris & Topher Grace. Set in the year I was born -1988 :) Cute movie though.
I slept in once again Sunday morning. I tried to convice J to go to lunch with me, but he was far to content with having a repeat of Saturday. I called Megan (one of my dearest friends) and we met up for lunch. Followed by an impromptu haircut (her not me) and some browsing at TJ Maxx. Lover and I had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner - I should really buy stock there or something as much as we eat it. We watched Toddlers and Tiaras, Big Brother, and Jersey Shore (more like I watched and he just watched to spend time with me!)
Tonight I am watching my bosses three boys - Braden, Carter and Jackson while their mom takes their sister Maddie to ballet. Could you imagine having 3 younger brothers? I can barely handle my one!
And I do want to give a moment for the 30 US Troops who died this weekend. Justin played baseball with one of them when they were younger and he has been bummed out all weekend. I pray that God gives the families and friends of those who were lost a peace of heart, or as much as possible. Let them rest assured that their loved one is in a much better place and will remain a hero in the hearts of everyone.
Happy Monday Y'all :)
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