I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was jam packed YET AGAIN with places to go, people to see and plenty of things to do. I can't wait for this weekend. I plan on doing absolutely nothing cleaning and relaxing.
I'll start with Thursday, since lately that has been my Friday :)
Thursday after work I headed over to see Carrie. We went to dinner at Carolina Ale House and then went shopping. I found the cutest white and silver sparkles striped shirt, along with some cute earrings at Forever 21. I got a shirt & four pair of earrings for $39.00!
Once back at her house, I showed her the greatness of Big Brother. The Bitch Daniele was finally exposed and her BFF Dominic said his good byes. They announced that they were no longer pairs and started an endurance HOH competiton. Being the impatient person I am, I checked out my spoilers and found out what happens the rest of the week. If you hate Brenchel, you will be happy!!
Anyways, got home and my lovely boyfriend was spread out on the bed like he was enjoying the single life. I cuddled up to him in bed and planned in my head my shopping adventures for the next day :)
I woke up bright and early and headed to the Outlets in Smithfield. I was planning on getting a new Coach purse. I've had the first one I got for about 2 years now, so I figured it was time for a new one. I set a budget of $200 for myself and wasn't going to go over it at all. So I arrive at Coach at 10AM (as soon as the open). One of the lovely store clerks gave me a coupon for 30% off my entire purchase. I just love how they all walk around with calculators and can tell you how much your bag is going to cost before you even ask! So I check out the clearance section. EVERYTHING is 50% off and you still get your 30% off! WOW I came on the right day for sure!!
I pick out the classic pattern in black, along with a wallet to match. I go to check out and my debit card won't go thru. DO WHAT?!!? I just deposited my check yesterday. So frantically, I go call my bank and persuade the wonderful teller lady to help me out. I even went as far as explaining to her about the sale and why it was soooo important!! I waited 10 minutes and headed back in to purchase these two lovely pieces:
Now for the best part. I got them both for a whopping $170.00 :)
I continued my shopping and visited Carolina Pottery. They have such cute things and I really want to get a wreath made from there. I'm going to need to take someone with some artistic ability with me! I however found a ECU flag, a few cute decorations for the house and a new "A" cup. Like I don't have enough.
I headed to Raleigh to see Carrie once again. I was going to watch her friend's son for her while she went to the doctors. The rest of Friday was pretty uneventful.
Saturday I woke up and headed to Hope Mills...ONCE AGAIN. No lie, I have been in Hope Mills or at least away from home every single weekend since the end of June. I need a break. However I was going down for my Godfather's Dad's 80th birthday party.
When I say 80 years young, I mean it! You would never know that he was really 80 years old. He runs 7 1/2 miles...EVERY DAY! I couldn't run a half a mile without getting tired. He is so positive and I can honestly say I have never seen him upset or having a bad day.
After the party (which had the whip cream icing on the cake) I relaxed at home. Sunday was followed with the same and a trip back to my house.
I woke up today feeling quite crappy. I hope I'm not getting sick, but my entire body aches and I just don't feel good at all. Hopefully its just because it's Monday.
Have a good week y'all! :)
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