Thursday, September 1, 2011


Holy cow! It's already September! I cannot believe it's already here. This year has flown by faster than I can even fathom!

It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were spending a very low key New Years Eve at his grandparents house.

It seems like just yesterday that my lover turned the big 3-0!

It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were house hunting, and finally found our house!

It seems like just yesterday that we were moving into our house that we have now lived in for almost 6 months.

There are a ton of "it seems like just yesterday's" I could go on with, but really...its already September.

That means in 2 months Thanksgiving will be here, followed quickly by Christmas and then a brand new year.

I can't even believe it! I guess it's true that time does fly when you're having fun and that the older you get, the faster time goes by.

I am so excited for the holidays that will be here soon and for a brand new year, although I don't want to rush today, because I'm having the time of my life these days :)

On another note, I woke up to 55 degree weather :) So happy to see cooler weather. I'm ready for sweaters, scarves, the state fair, hot chocolate from Starbucks and all the other fall time goodies!

Happy Thursday and Happy September 1st :)

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