Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beach Getaway :) 10 Days & Counting!

Not this weekend, but next weekend I will be headed to the Outer Banks with Justin and his mom for a long weekend :) The Outer Banks hold a special place in my heart because it was the very first vacation Justin and I went on. In fact, it was the same time last year that we went. It's just so peaceful there. It's not so commercialized like some beaches, but its got enough to do that you don't get bored.

We are renting a house, at a darn good price too, that is right on the beach. I can't wait to wake up right on the ocean and spend countless hours just relaxing there.

Not to mention, his mom will be coming back to our house for a few days. I NEED TO CLEAN :) Can't let his Momma think I'm a horrible girlfriend ;)

Honestly though, I adore his mom. She is so sweet and isn't one of those MIL's that want to give their input on EVERYTHING. Now granted we aren't married...YET, but I don't think it's going to change.

Hopefully my parents can come up for dinner one night to meet her!

Everything's going great ya'll, hopefully the same goes for your lives!

Happy Tuesday :)

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