I deserve the worst blogger of the year award. I was doing so good for awhile, but once work picks up I don't have time for anything but work.
School started back on August 25th and we've had presentations and our first order day tomorrow. It's officially order season. Saturday will start my 2 months of working 6 days a week. That means I only get 8 days off in two months. Um wow. Maybe I shouldn't have brought that little piece of knowledge to my mind!
Oh well, its extra money, and well I want to have a savings account. Speaking of work, the reason I am getting to update today is because I am at my bosses house watching his two youngest for the day. There was a double up presentation today and I'm not much of a public speaker. Therefore his wife is with him, leaving me with the kids. It's always nice to have a break. And today I get to see what being a SAHM is truly like. We're going to head to the bank and Target here soon, and I have to pick up the older kids from school this afternoon as well.
Everything else is going pretty well. Although, my house needs to seriously be cleaned. I would normally say, oh I'll do it this weekend. Except I have to work Saturday and I'm sure by the time Sunday finally gets here, I won't have energy for anything. You can forget at night after work, I'm so exhausted by then that I barely make it past 10PM.
Lastly, yesterday was my wonderful Daddy's 50th birthday! We celebrated with a cookout on Labor Day with family and friends. Daniel and I handled a good portion of it. It's so weird to think that we are to the age now that we can plan a party by ourselves. I'm too lazy to upload pictures though, so just imagine what it was like.
Back to being a pretend SAHM today, Jack wants some chocolate milk :)
No..I'm definitely the worst blogger of the year. I've only posted once!!! :|