Monday, September 19, 2011

Going In All Directions

I only have a few minutes to blog, so I figured I would take the chance. I'm still getting the worst blogger of the year award...I only get on here to read others' blogs. That's mostly because it's easier to read the blogs and then close the page and it takes longer to write something.

Here's a little update on things:

Justin and I are doing better than ever. I realize more and more everyday that when you are with the right person things just go right. The awful relationships I've had in the past were full of work just keep my head above water. Now I can just relax :) I do however find myself mentioning engagement rings on a daily basis in some way. Not in a nagging way, but in a cute "I'd love one of these way". I'm just so ready to be engaged and take that all in its not even funny. I don't have to be married right away, I just wanna enjoy having something sparkly on my finger!

Work is crazy, stressful, and never ending. Last week was horrible, literally the week from Hell. I was in a school almost everyday, therefore my desk looks like a tornado hit it. I am playing catch up this week to get everything back in order! I've already worked two Saturdays and I'm over it. Having one day to relax and rest for the next week is just not enough. Only a few more weeks of that thank goodness.

The only issue is that I am having a hard time balancing work, my social life, cleaning my house and resting. I need to cut something out that's for sure!

I do have a few fun things to look forward to in the next few weeks though! Justin, Me and his family (mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt etc.) are heading to the Outer Banks for a long weekend in October. The Outer Banks was our first vacation together so I always love going there :) Then I have another wedding shower of Morgan's to look forward to in October as well. We had a Pampered Chef one on Saturday and I spent way too much money!

J and I are also going with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend to an ECU game on November 5th. I haven't been to once since my freshman year there five years ago. I can't wait to tailgate and watch some Pirate Football!!!

Sorry for such a brief post and update and I really do promise to try and get better. I just get home from work and want to lay there. The last thing I wanna do is get on the computer. I will try and post some pictures from Morgan's Pampered Chef shower tonight though.

Happy Monday Ya'll :)

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