I'm Thankful:
- For waking up this morning and having a job to come to. I'm guilty of complaining about having to get up early and having to work all day, some days past 5PM. In all honesty I should be extremely thankful that I have a job to come to at all and an awesome job at that.
- For my wonderful boss. I just simply cannot brag on him enough. He is definitely a team player and will help out with the lowest of jobs when he finds my desk piled high with things I need to catch up on. He also realizes that I need a break when I'm working like I have been, therefore I now get off at 12PM on Friday afternoons :)
- For Justin. He texted me this morning and said "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" My first thought was "what does he want" and when I replied with "Well yes, and I love you very much too. Why?" He simply said "No Why, I just do." I couldn't imagine my life without him now that I've lived with him. He makes me laugh, he always knows what to say when I'm sad and he is exactly what I need in a other half.
- For having a roof over my head, a good car to drive, and a little extra money for when I wanna go shopping.
- For my awesome friends who understand that I am so incredibly busy sometimes and that while we may not talk for a few days, its just that, because I'm busy.
- For my wonderful family, all of them. I couldn't ask for a better group of people in my life who have to love me no matter what I do or don't do.
- For my Aunt Cheryl, especially. She was visiting my grandpa who also lives in Raleigh and was then headed to Fayetteville because she and my momma are leaving Friday for their train trip to Maine (TTTM) and she stopped by my work to bring me chocolate for chocolate and biscuits :)
I've been drowning this week in work, but I have the entire Friday afternoon to myself tomorrow in which I plan on going to visit my cousin Jayme to get some Thirty One purses another cousin dropped off with her as well as just relax. Saturday afternoon after I work, I plan on stopping by Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shop in Fayetteville. I've never been to either and apparently there are tons of home decor and holiday decor for super cheap! Justin is going to be watching the WVU vs LSU game anyways so why not?
Happy Thursday Ya'll
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