My weekend was very full. I got off at 12PM on Friday and endulged in a little retail therapy :) I stopped by Home Goods. I found two tall metal candle stands/potpurri holders that I'm not sure that I want to keep yet. I also grabbed a few other odds and ends and then stopped by TJ Maxx. However, once you've been to Home Goods, TJ Maxx is about the same, maybe even less appealing.
I had to hurry over to my uncles house to catch up with my cousin Jayme. I ordered some Thirty-One products from another cousin and my uncle picked it up from her house and brought it to his. We walked to the bus stop to pick up my cousin Forrest. He had to be the CUTEST kindergartener ever with his Spiderman bookbag and lunch box!
I swung by Target and probably did the fastest shopping job ever. I grabbed a cute new shirt, some earrings to go along, a scarf that was on sale, some cute Halloween things from the dollar section and of course Bridesmaids!
I hurried home and changed to head to dinner with Justin's grandparents. We talked about my favorite subject lately, when is Justin going to propose. It was almost over kill though and I hope it isn't making him feel pressured. We left really late and I had to get up early for work so I headed to be right when we got home.
Saturday was filled with a little work and A LOT of play :) One of my co-workers and I headed to Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shoppe afterwards. We spent like 3 and 1/2 hours total in the stores and I got so much great stuff! I'm so glad I don't have either of these stores closer than an hour away to me, because I could seriously do some damage if I did.
I got home really late and slept in this morning. I decorated with some new home decor things I picked up and of course the Halloween stuff and then relaxed the rest of the day. J and I watched Bridesmaids and the episode of Extreme Home Makeover that came to Fayetteville.
Now for some pictures of the goodies I picked up. Hope everyone has a good week :)
Sorry for the picture overload. =)
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