Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bad Blogger Award

I have been absolutely horrible at posting lately. I could give excuses as to why I haven't updated, but honestly, I've just not had anything to write about. Sure Carrie and I went to the Britney Spears Concert last week, but lately the thought of uploading all the pictures just isn't in the least appealing. We had a great time and it was one of the best nights of my life to date, but I'm just not in the mood to post about it. I log on a few times a week to read my favorite blogs, but I just don't come post. I think if blogger required you to post before you read any updates, there'd be no use for this thing.

Don't let this come across as me being in some bad mood, because I'm not. So many things in my life are going well right now, that I'm still just waiting for something bad to happen. I know that is no way to live, but seriously things have just gone too well for too long.

Work has picked up, my social calendar is still full and on top of that, starting next Saturday I will be working six days a week until November.

I hate to say it, but expect very few blogs for me, unless for some reason I get this huge burst of energy. I don't see it happening.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Sweet Momma :)

I also couldn't forget to post about my momma's birthday. Today she turns 49 years old, or as my aunt has mentioned a few times, 50-1.

Growing up my mom and I butted heads like no other. I thought she was so strict and didn't understand me at all. My mom was definitely a goody two shoes growing up and while I didn't try and be a bad girl, I wanted more freedom.

Looking back, I am so happy with the way things turned out.

Today my momma is my best friend. She knows me better than anyone else. She is there anytime of day or night and always does everything she can to help and/or make me feel better. I couldn't imagine my life with our her, or a life without the bond we share.

For her birthday (and my aunt's, my mom's sister) my brother and I and our cousins (my aunt's kids) pulled enough money together to send them on a trip from NC to Maine and over to Vermont. Growing up their dad was in the Army and they lived and travelled all over the world. My mom has a goal to make it to all 50 states before she turns 50.

I am so thankful for her and beyond blessed to call her my momma :)

Happy Birthday Momma, I love you.

Baby Fever

I have it like no other. Like all I think about is babies. Morning, noon and night. When I'm at a store, the first place I want to go is the baby section. If I see a baby out somewhere its like there is some force pushing me closer to the baby. I can't help it.

And the fact that I can just imagine how great of a daddy Justin is going to be, it just makes me think about it that much more.

On Sunday, Justin and I were at lunch with my parents and some friends of their's who have two little girls. I've know these little girls since they were babies. Out of the blue, M we'll call her, asks me "When are you going to have babies?" I immediately turned to Justin and he said "When the time is right". Ughhh I feel like its taking forever and that I am the MOST impatient person ever :(

Not to mention that Justin's brother and SIL are expecting. Maybe I can cure my baby fever with "Aunt Allie" for a little while?



Doesn't she just make you melt! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Memories :)

So this weekend Justin and I headed to my Momma and Daddy's house to celebrate my Momma's birthday. We got there around lunchtime on Saturday and watched a few home movies. Justin learned out that I was quite the character when I was younger ;) We headed to dinner. My momma wanted to German food and while I understand that its "normal" food, I was so nervous! We got to the restaurant and it was packed. Apparently you need to make a reservation? I was so relieved! Sad for my mom, but happy that we could eat something normal! We ended up going to Sammios, an italian restaurant. After dinner we came back to Momma and Daddy's to have cake and play some games.

It was an early night because this morning we had church. Justin is Catholic. Well he went to a Catholic high school and his family was Catholic, but he isn't practicing. I've gone to the same Southern Baptist church since I was a week old. Of course the Sunday we picked was full of stuff to do, and ended up lasting almost 2 hours!

After church we went to Micasita's for lunch, came home and hung out for a bit and then came home. We decided to eat at Dickey's for dinner. Dickey's is a restaurant that has like 7 different kinds of meats (pulled pork, beef brisket, chicken, turkey, ham etc.) and you can make your own plate with two sides. It was delicious, but brand new to our area so it was super packed! Plus full of annoying customers. I mean is it really necessary for you to ask 1,000 questions all before you pay?

We finished up the night with Big Brother and some laundry. Now for some pictures:

 {my sweet momma and I}
 {me and my daddy}
{momma's yummy cake from Walmart}
 {she is so pretty}
 {blowing out the candles}
{dinner at Dickey's}

There are NO pictures of me and the boy because he was just not in a smiling mood this weekend!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Yesterday was Jackson's second birthday. My boss has four of the cutest and sweetest kids you'll ever meet. There is Maddie who will be eight next month, Braden who will be seven in February, Carter who will be three in January and Jackson who we were celebrating yesterday! I had a mini panic attack when my boss told me they were moving to Minnesota last March, and I cried like a baby when I had to say goodbye in July. However, they are back and life is good :)

After work yesterday I was supposed to watch the kiddos while their momma went to an event at Maddie & Braden's school. Randy was out of town. They are having a birthday party for Jack on Saturday and I'll be out of town for my own sweet momma's birthday so I wanted to do something for him tonight. I picked up a cake, a BIG red ball and the cutest Cars folding chair and headed over.

I have never seen a more excited kid than I did yesterday when he saw me walk in with that big red ball! We had dinner and cake, played with the ball and gave baths. All in all it was a wonderful night, but great birth control :)

Don't take that as them being awful kids, or me not wanting children because I do. But 2 will end up being my magic number! I have the worst baby fever possible...I even manage to stop and look at the baby section at every store, even though I'm not pregnant...and not married.

Now for a few pictures.

{happy birthday jackson}
 {my sweet babies}
 {carter trying out jackson's new chair, such a cutie}
 {he was done waiting on me to get him some cake!}
{his words were, "take a picture of me eating allie"}

Now I'm off to clean up around the house, grab some lunch and pack for tomorrow. J and I are haded to my parents house to celebrate my momma's birthday. I promise to take pictures :)

Happy Friday Y'all

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm feeling a little lazy...

SO - I found this little survey over here and I'm gonna do it instead of having to come up with something entertaining or even interesting to say the least...
Of course it's going to be about me and my lover, J :)
Where are we in life?
Well - we have been together for 14 months, living together for 8 months. We found a place together to rent (not just one where either of us lived and the other moved their stuff in) and things are going wonderful, not too fast, not too slow - just at the right speed. Although, and I've told J and of course my closest girlfriends that while I'm not ready to plan a wedding, I wouldn't mind wearing something sparkly on my left hand... just sayin ;)
How old are we?
We are 23 and 30...yep I like them old enough to be mature, but not old enough to be my daddy!
what are our occupations?
J sells insurance for First Citizens and he is damn good at it. I am the office manager for Jostens, providing class rings and graduation products to high school juniors and seniors.
Where do we live?
We live in Wendell, NC. It's a small town about 15 minutes outside of Raleigh in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath renter.
what do we drive?
J drives a 2009 Chevy Impala
I drive a 2009 Ford Focus
how many children do we have?
Zero, not married yet people :)
how many children do we want?
2 or 3

what do we enjoy on friday nights?
We usually go to dinner, go have dinner with his grandparents, or just lounge around the house, maybe rent a movie from On Demand
what's the last movie we watched?
The last movie we watched was from On Demand. It was called Take Me Home Tonight with Topher Grace & Anna Farris. It was set in 1988 (the year I was born lol)
what are our new favorite songs?
I love jamming to Party Rock by LMAFO, Till the World Ends by Britney Spears (6 days until the concert) and The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco - the all just have good beats :)
As for J - I have noooo idea
what are we looking forward to?
I am looking forward to spending some time with J at my parents house this weekend for my sweet Momma's 49th birthday.
For the long term, probably just what the future brings - I'm up for anything.
J is looking forward to College Football. I have been reminded oh 3 or 4 times A DAY that it starts on September 3rd

what are our current most prized possessions?
Hmm...I'm not sure about J, but I know mine is my fairly new iPhone and of course my Coach purse and wallet :)
what are our "bad habits"?
My bad habit is shopping...way too much. I mean we aren't dying for money or anything, but I'm trying to pay off some credit cards and will never be able to do so if I keep shopping. Target is my Kryptonite. I can spend $50 or more EVERY time I go in there. Good thing to know that, its not just me...Target seriously is heaven...

J's bad habits are taking his close off and leaving them in piles, not shutting cabinet doors or drawers and not washing the dishes off when he gets done using them. I don't even ask him to put them in the dishwasher, just to rinse them off - I sure do love him though <3

Happy Thursday, well Friday in my case since I'm off tomorrow :) Carrie and I are going to FINALLY watch Something Borrowed as I bought it the other night at Target - I know surprise, surprise. Now to leave ya'll with a little happiness for the day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Twitter vs. Facebook?

I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, and I have to say I am obsessed. I tweet all day long, and check out what others have tweeted as often as possible too. My phone was acting up earlier and my new tweets wouldn't load...I went into semi-panic mode...

On the other hand, I've kind of neglected Facebook. I still <3 Facebook and always will. But unfortunately, when Facebook took over, I dropped Myspace like a bad habit...However, not everyone and their momma's are on Twitter yet, soooo I'll at least keep the old Facebook for awhile...

Anyways, this was not meant to be ALL about social networking. On the other hand though, my week has been boring and I've been super busy at work getting ready for the new year. I haven't even had time to think about posting..just know I'm alive and I promise to update soon :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Recap and Things to Look Forward To :)

I hope everyone had as great a weekend as I did. It was exactly what I needed :)

Friday morning on my way to work, my dad called and asked if I would come to the beach this weekend with him and my mom to visit the rest of the family. I had originally planned on not going for two reasons: I didn't have the extra money for gas and I was tired and wanted a relaxing weekend to rest and work on our office. I quickly realized that life isn't about an unorganized wallet, or not having enough money for a trip to the beach. Its about family and I'm so glad I went.

I got off at one, raced home, packed faster than I ever have before and drove to my parents house. This is all after I had a minor meltdown about the fact that payday was Friday and I had a bill due by 5PM that day and my boss did not leave my check at the office and wasn't going to be back by the time I left. However, he was able to put my check in the bank, by 2PM (so it counted for Friday) and included a nice bonus for the end of the fiscal year - he's great I know!

We hopped back in the car, along with my fourteen year old cousin Jayme and headed to the beach. We met my uncle, aunt and cousins Forrest (yes just like Run Forest Run) and Lawson who happen to be Jayme's immediate family for dinner at McDonalds. My aunt, uncle and cousins were staying in the super old house built by my grandpa's dad, yes you read that correctly in this tiny town called Atlantic - no stop lights people, plus hardly anything else. Jayme was staying with us at my aunt's house so we headed that way.

First we were supposed to stop in New Bern to see my cousin Elizabeth's new house and have cake for her husband Matt's birthday. They were running late for dinner, so we stopped at the New Bern Mall. Bath and Body Works had a sale on all their signature collection items, Buy three, get two free :) I bought the scent "Carried Away" - its amazing. I got the body wash, lotion, body spray, and two sparkle body sprays (one for Jayme) and one of their AMAZING candles that last forever in Island Margarita for a whopping $53.11!

Once we got to Elizabeth's house, I had a hard time not stealing ALL of her decorations. It was absolutely goregous and I'm not kidding :)

We got back to Aunt Cheryl's and hung out till bed. Jayme and I slept in my cousin Kelley's bed. Kelley is a phlebotimist and works nights on the weekends. So when she got home at 6AM we were woken up and started our day that early. Night of only 5 hours of sleep, take one (yes it happens again)

My aunt made chocolate and biscuits for breakfast. It's delicious, I can't even begin to describe to you the greatness of it. She then proceeded to put a body wave in my hair. I am so thankful that I don't have to look like a hot mess everyday now, but that it only takes me 30 minutes to get ready now!

Afterwards, we headed down to Atlantic and spent the day there. The weather was wonderful. It was probably in the 70s all day and there was a wonderful breeze that lasted all day and into the night. Atlantic is the last town on Hwy 70 before you hit the Atlantic Ocean: hence the name. But its great that the house is right on the water. The days festivites included a major water fight led by my cousin Forrest and my mom and uncle, my brother fishing (well, trying), school pizza (it looked just like pizza you get in school, but tasted 10 times worse) and a game of Trivial Pursuit.

Morning two, was started by my brother finding it necessary to wake me up at 6:45AM, by telling me it was 8AM. NOT FUNNY, AT ALL! We headed back down to Atlantic for church with my grandpa, as it would have also been my grandma's 68th birthday and the reason behind this mini family reunion. After church we had lunch, and went to the cemetary to put some flowers on grandma's grave.

We all then said goodbye and headed our seperate ways. I stayed at mom and dad's last night and am now back at work.

It was a relaxing weekend, but I definitely had to come home to get some rest. I wouldn't be surprised if I am in bed by 9 tonight.

Also, I joined the tweeting world this weekend - follow me: tarrantam88

This upcoming week/weekend has a lot going on. Justin and I are headed to my parent's house this weekend to spend it with my mom for her birthday. I'm hoping I can talk her into Miyabi's (a Japanese steakhouse) for her birthday dinner :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and a happy Monday. Sorry there aren't any pictures. I took a few, but all from my phone and they were kind of blurry.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday :)

I haven't done one of these in a few weeks, and I have A LOT to love lately, so I figured I'd share them :)

  • That my boyfriend is everything I'm not. When I get frustrated because the potatoes are burning, he is patient enough to come take over. When I can't seem to plunge the kitchen sink because something has clogged it, he takes care of it. And lastly, that when I'm having a bad day, he comes up behind me, grabs me and kisses my neck and all those butterflies that swarmed my stomach the first time we met, come fluttering back :) I'm so blessed!
  • I am so happy that my boss and his family are back in the Raleigh area, and for good! I not only missed having such an awesome boss, but I missed his kids too! I've been lucky enough to watch them for a few hours here and there, and some during the work day (I mean who wouldn't wanna watch kids instead of answer the phone to get yelled out?) Here are a few pictures from the past few days, I don't have any of their oldest Maddie, she's been out doing her thing:

{Jackson - 2 years old} 
{he practically chews on it, instead of sucking on it}
 {Carter - 3 years old}
{such a ham!}
 {Braden-6, Carter, and Jackson playing Wii}
 {how could you ever be upset with this face?}
{the things that entertain them}

  • the slight cool down this weekend - although 90's to high 80's hardly sounds like a cool down!
  • finally getting the cleaning bug! I'm so ready for my house to look like a home, and not just a pig sty
  • learning to cook, although its been difficult, i feel like such a little wifey when I make dinner
  • my iPhone - its so amazing! I could never imagine going to something different
  • the Britney Spears concert - in 2 weeks!!!
  • and finally, the fact that my cousins, my brother and I can come up with over $600 to pay for our mom and aunt to go on a train trip all the way to Maine! The trip costs $500, so they both will have some spending money as well. Their dad was in the army, and they have been to 40 something of the 50 US States and both have a goal to get to all 50 before they turn 50. They are going to knockout all of the northern states! :)
Happy Hump Day Ya'll - We're almost there :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Britney Spears + Groupon = A Night of Fun :)

So first of all, I'm getting very impatient with Blogger. For 3 days now, everytime I click on a new blog that I want to follow, it says "share" instead of "follow". Normally all you have to do is sign in and go back to that blog and the problem is solved...apparently Blogger hates me.

On a good note however, 2 weeks from tomorrow, Carrie and I will be going to see:

along with DJ PAULY D :) :) :)

This is like the best thing ever! I still remember the VERY  first time I heard Britney on the radio. My dad was taking me to basketball practice and "Hit Me Baby One More Time" came on the radio. I was obsessed. I was a diehard Britney fan during most of her career, and even now when I'm 23 years old, I still listen when she comes on the radio. I cannot wait to go see her in concert!

Besides we scored amazing seats (on the floor) for like $50 bucks. The tickets were original over $100!!!

From this:

To this :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend Recap :)

Sadly, the weekend is over. My FB status this morning says "Why can't the weekend go by as slow as the week normally does? Hello Monday..."

While, yes I'm a little bummed the weekend is over and I had to wake up early, but at least I'm waking up and getting another day :)

This weekend was exactly what I needed. In a few of my posts I have mentioned that I have been away from home every weekend since June. This was the first weekend that I was going to at least be "in" Raleigh.

I got an extra special treat last week. Normally I am off all day Friday which is wonderful. However my boss needed me to come in for a few hours Friday morning so instead I worked Thursday and Friday 9-1. I absolutely LOVED having those afternoon hours off.

Thursday afternoon was filled with lunch, mani/pedi's and Coldstone with Heather.

Friday afternoon was filled with going to the health department which was FULL of crazies, battling the "tax free weekend" shoppers, who I must say are VERY rude, and watching countless episodes of Say Yes to the Dress with Carrie

Saturday morning I woke up and checked my phone. It was 10:25! I could hardly believe it. It was still so dark in our room. I had mentioned the previous night that I wished that I had some dark blankets or even tin foil to put up on our bedroom windows (ghetto I know) so that I could sleep in. As soon as the bright sun shines thru, I'm up. Luckily, we were having a morning Thunderstorm. So what looked like 6AM was really 10:30 :)

Justin and I headed to the grocery store to get some things for breakfast. We ended up with quite a bit more, but it was mostly snacks and other things to cook. We get back home and I start cooking breakfast. Normally I'm good at this. However, the bacon pan wasn't hot enough because it wasn't cooking very fast and the potato pan was too hot because they were burning. Luckily, Justin stepped in and made breakfast while I watched TV on the couch, I love him for things like that!

We finally ate breakfast around 12:30. I followed up with a 2 hour nap :) We were so lazy Saturday it was pretty much ridiculous. Although, I know once we are married and have kids, lazy Saturday's will be no more, I'm going to enjoy them while I can. I made tacos for dinner and we ended the night with the movie Take Me Home Tonight. It has Anna Faris & Topher Grace. Set in the year I was born -1988 :) Cute movie though.

I slept in once again Sunday morning. I tried to convice J to go to lunch with me, but he was far to content with having a repeat of Saturday. I called Megan (one of my dearest friends) and we met up for lunch. Followed by an impromptu haircut (her not me) and some browsing at TJ Maxx. Lover and I had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner - I should really buy stock there or something as much as we eat it. We watched Toddlers and Tiaras, Big Brother, and Jersey Shore (more like I watched and he just watched to spend time with me!)

Tonight I am watching my bosses three boys - Braden, Carter and Jackson while their mom takes their sister Maddie to ballet. Could you imagine having 3 younger brothers? I can barely handle my one!

And I do want to give a moment for the 30 US Troops who died this weekend. Justin played baseball with one of them when they were younger and he has been bummed out all weekend. I pray that God gives the families and friends of those who were lost a peace of heart, or as much as possible. Let them rest assured that their loved one is in a much better place and will remain a hero in the hearts of everyone.

Happy Monday Y'all :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Nail Salons

I'm sure you have all been to a nail salon. I'm not talking about the fancy spa places that serve you champagne while you are getting a pedi (although I've been to one and its a definite must, at least once in your life) I'm talking about the nail salons that are run by most of the time Vietmanese who have changed their names to like "Nicole" or "Brad" and who constantly talk to their coworkers in Vietmanese. I swear it always makes me feel like they are talking crap about my cuticles, or how long its been since I've gotten a pedicure, or the fact that my baby toe nail is so tiny that I just skip right over it when painting my toe nails! The ones that have names like "Marvelous Nail" or "Focus Nail". The ones that let their small children run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

So yesterday, after our lunch date, Heather and I decided to get pedicures and get our nails done. We try out a new place, which can be kind of scary in itself. I like my acrylic nails to be a certain way: short with a thinner white line for French tips. Most of the time, they want to make them crazy long and give you a white tip half the size of your nail! So we walk in and its not busy at all. We are told to pick a color for our pedi's. I choose this shimmery bright purple and eventually Heather decides that's her pick too. We get our pedicures (which felt great by the way) and get this outcome:

All during our pedicures, the shop owner's cute little boy was riding around on a scooter. However, he kept yelling "A is for Apple, A is for Apple" which we found out was a song on the computer he liked listening to. He also stole his mom's chair (who happened to be doing my toes) and he fell out of it when she took it back. He grabbed a pair of scissors and began to run around with those. He would run his scooter into the glass door repeatedly. How lovely!

We began getting our nails done. Apparently the other girl who did those, was brand new. I wish I could have taken a picture of what she did and what the other lady fixed. I was quite nervous for a bit there. However they turned out like this:

Sorry for the bad cuticles :(

All in all it was a pretty successful trip. I got my pedicure (with a free design on my big toes), and my acrylic nails with french tips for $56.00!

We concluded the day with Birthday Cake Remix from Coldstone.

Today will consist of:

1. Getting off at 1PM - only two more hours!
2. Going with Carrie while she shops for new clothes (I pray that everyone else in Raleigh is waiting until tomorrow to take advantage of tax free weekend)
3. Relaxing as much as possible

Happy Friday & Happy Weekend Y'all :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jam Packed!

We are only 4 days into August and I feel like the entire month is planned already! August must just be a super busy month for me, but geez can I get a break?!?

Thankfully I get this weekend to relax with my love before things get too hectic! I was asked this morning if I could watch my bosses FOUR children Monday and Tuesday while he and his wife (who also works with us) attend a meeting in Savannah. I've done this before, and honestly I feel like it may be easier than it used to be. Before they moved to Minnesota (and moved back to NC :)) I would watch all four kids for a few days at a time. At this point they were 7, 5, 2 and 10 months. The baby didn't sleep in his own room and woke up numerous times thru out the night. And the oldest two were home schooled/it was the summer. So I had to come up with things to do for four children all day long! Luckily they oldest two are in school and the younger two are pretty self sufficient at this point.

The following weekend is a trip to Morehead City with my family, followed by Momma's birthday weekend the next weekend and then a four day "watching the Storts' kids" adventure. Ahh what have I signed myself up for?!

However, I am very thankful that I am getting off today and tomorrow at 1PM. One of our school systems has a summer school graduation in the next few weeks and as always, people wait until the last minute to order their cap and gown. Therefore I had to come in for a little bit tomorrow. However, I think I would have preferred this schedule the whole summer!

Heather and I are going to grab some lunch and get manicures. Tonight is eviction night on Big Brother! I sooo hope the houseguests aren't complete idiots and keep Brendon over Jordan. You never know with this game, but I am seriously tired of Rachel whining 24/7!!

Oh and for a little update on my post from yesterday, Justin and I are doing much better. I guess I have to compromise, just as much as I want him to. We will get through this. I just know it. :)

Happy Thursday Y'all :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last night did not go as planned.

A simple talk about upcoming family gatherings
turned into
hurt feelings
a bad nights sleep
a weird awkwardness

Family has always been SO important to me. When I was younger, we celebrated every birthday as if it was some big milestone. Holidays were these huge get togethers with lots of food and family. Every summer my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins would go camping for seven-ten days at a time. My parents and my aunt and uncle raised my cousins and I like brothers and sisters. I could call on any one of them, at anytime and they would do everything they could to help whatever was going on. One of my best friends is my cousin Sam. One of my grandmas, an aunt and cousins lived at the beach. The ultimate tourist destination. I can't tell you how many times we would go to visit during the summer.

As a little girl, and even in to my teens and now young adulthood, I have always imagined the same thing for my family. I wanted family dinners on Sunday afternoon. Cookouts on Saturday nights. Week long vacations. And crazy holidays. I wanted my future children to feel like I did growing up. I wanted my husband to come with me on every occasion, as I would go with him on every occasion to his.

Last night, I learned differently.
August is a big month of birthdays for my family. My aunt is the 7th, my grandma was the 14th, my mom is the 23rd and we'll sneak my dad's September 6th in there too. If you noticed my parents birthdays are exactly two weeks apart.

In the next few weekends, my family has planned a beach day/cookout for my grandma's birthday, followed by a visit to the cemetary where she is buried. Not to mention birthday dinners for my mom and dad. The month of August and first part of September is pretty much filled to the top with family gatherings.

As Justin and I were discussing them last night, it became apparent that he would go to all of the above mentioned, but that he wasn't exactly thrilled. I don't want to make him sound like some asshole who doesn't give a crap about my family, because they all get along great. However, I have never once told him no on some family outing of his.

Yes, most of the ones I am talking about are dinners with his grandparents who live a measly 30 minutes away, but dinners usually turn into 3, 4 and 5 hour long visits, followed by something else we get roped into while we are there, usually for early the next day. I have been to visit his family in West Virgina - 3 times. His family lives 7 hours away. That is a long way to have visited them 3 times in the year we have been together, but I have done it, and with a big smile on my face.

This post is not announcing Justin and I's split. This isn't a relationship breaker for me. However, last night I was very hurt. I felt like some bad person trying to take away his weekends. His job is very stressful, I get that, but tomorrow isn't promised and I'd hate to miss out on something and not have a chance to make up for it, just because I'm too tired.

I guess what I'm saying is, that sometimes, you have to put on your big boy undies & big girl panties and get over it. You aren't going to be able to relax all weekend, every weekend. What is going to happen when we have kids? Kids who want to play sports and go on vacations and do stuff on the weekend, instead of just sitting at home?

I understand he doesn't have to attend everything and that isn't what I'm asking. What I'm asking as that he attends 75% of it, and doesn't gripe and complain about it. 

I guess after typing this, I'm still a little upset. We woke up this morning and everything was ok and it is, however last night was the first time that we didn't kiss each other goodnight, the first time we didn't say I love you, the first time we didn't cuddle before bed, and the first time that we went pretty much all night without touching.  

Days like these are when I am the happiest I have this blog. I can get out exactly how I'm feeling, with only the chance of bloggers I've never met and the one person who NEVER judges me reading it. I don't have to talk to anyone about it, I can just get it out.

Hopefully things will continue to get better. I will learn to compromise a little more and he will learn to give in a little more, and happily.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Diamond Jealousy...

I just have to get this off my chest. Have any of y'all been at the point in your life where it feels like EVERYONE around you is getting engaged? I mean everyone. Whether it's people I just went to high school with or friends of friends or your closest friends. While I am so incredibly happy for my friends, I can't help but have a little diamond jealousy. I knew 3 months into mine and Justin's relationship that he was the one. I would have said yes to a marriage proposal then. I know my time is coming, I'm just very impatient. Here are three of my friends' diamonds who have recently gotten engaged and/or married:

 Morgan Rogers & Blake Smith
Wedding Day: November 19, 2011
How He Proposed: A Football game, he had the cheerleaders hold up a sign that said "Morgan will you Marry Me"
I am a bridesmaid in her wedding and couldn't be more honored!
Melissa Delias & Rocky Underwood
Wedding Day: July 31, 2011 (Yesterday!)
How He Proposed: After a walk on the beach
They got married yesterday at the same beach he proposed on.
Caitlin Fenlon & Alexander Spence
Wedding Day: Not Set Yet
How He Proposed: I'm not sure, I JUST FOUND OUT, but he did it in front of her entire family, including her gorgeous daughter Addison :)

While I am super happy for them, I just want a pretty sparkly thing to put on my left hand ;)

80 Years Young

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was jam packed YET AGAIN with places to go, people to see and plenty of things to do. I can't wait for this weekend. I plan on doing absolutely nothing  cleaning and relaxing.

I'll start with Thursday, since lately that has been my Friday :)

Thursday after work I headed over to see Carrie. We went to dinner at Carolina Ale House and then went shopping. I found the cutest white and silver sparkles striped shirt, along with some cute earrings at Forever 21. I got a shirt & four pair of earrings for $39.00!
Once back at her house, I showed her the greatness of Big Brother. The Bitch Daniele was finally exposed and her BFF Dominic said his good byes. They announced that they were no longer pairs and started an endurance HOH competiton. Being the impatient person I am, I checked out my spoilers and found out what happens the rest of the week. If you hate Brenchel, you will be happy!!

Anyways, got home and my lovely boyfriend was spread out on the bed like he was enjoying the single life. I cuddled up to him in bed and planned in my head my shopping adventures for the next day :)

I woke up bright and early and headed to the Outlets in Smithfield. I was planning on getting a new Coach purse. I've had the first one I got for about 2 years now, so I figured it was time for a new one. I set a budget of $200 for myself and wasn't going to go over it at all. So I arrive at Coach at 10AM (as soon as the open). One of the lovely store clerks gave me a coupon for 30% off my entire purchase. I just love how they all walk around with calculators and can tell you how much your bag is going to cost before you even ask! So I check out the clearance section. EVERYTHING is 50% off and you still get your 30% off! WOW I came on the right day for sure!!

I pick out the classic pattern in black, along with a wallet to match. I go to check out and my debit card won't go thru. DO WHAT?!!? I just deposited my check yesterday. So frantically, I go call my bank and persuade the wonderful teller lady to help me out. I even went as far as explaining to her about the sale and why it was soooo important!! I waited 10 minutes and headed back in to purchase these two lovely pieces:

Now for the best part. I got them both for a whopping $170.00 :)

I continued my shopping and visited Carolina Pottery. They have such cute things and I really want to get a wreath made from there. I'm going to need to take someone with some artistic ability with me! I however found a ECU flag, a few cute decorations for the house and a new "A" cup. Like I don't have enough.

I headed to Raleigh to see Carrie once again. I was going to watch her friend's son for her while she went to the doctors. The rest of Friday was pretty uneventful.

Saturday I woke up and headed to Hope Mills...ONCE AGAIN. No lie, I have been in Hope Mills or at least away from home every single weekend since the end of June. I need a break. However I was going down for my Godfather's Dad's 80th birthday party.

When I say 80 years young, I mean it! You would never know that he was really 80 years old. He runs 7 1/2 miles...EVERY DAY! I couldn't run a half a mile without getting tired. He is so positive and I can honestly say I have never seen him upset or having a bad day.

After the party (which had the whip cream icing on the cake) I relaxed at home. Sunday was followed with the same and a trip back to my house.

I woke up today feeling quite crappy. I hope I'm not getting sick, but my entire body aches and I just don't feel good at all. Hopefully its just because it's Monday.

Have a good week y'all! :)