Wednesday, July 13, 2011


First of all, let me say that I am beyond thankful to have a job. I am so blessed to know that I have a steady income and that I won't wake up one morning and be without a job.

I've been here for 4 years in November. It's definitely a high stress job during some parts of the year (I work for a company that provides cap and gowns, graduation accessories and class rings to high school juniors and seniors) and very low key during others (like now). Here is a brief timeline of what I have went through here:

  • November 2007 - My first day was somewhere around Thanksgiving
  • June 2008 - The Office assistant that I was hired to work with, was fired - I was now in charge
  • Fall 2008 - My boss hired a friend of mine to help out (note to self: don't work with friends)
    • While I love her dearly, its can sometimes ruin a friendship and for about a year, it did ruin ours
  • March 2009 - We moved offices
  • Summer/Fall 2009 - Two more coworkers were hired who I loved dearly. There was Lee who worked in the field and Baylee who was my assistant, such a great girl :)
  • November 2009 - A mental health business move into our office building. They serviced teenagers as well as sex offenders, we had to move
  • December 2009 - My boss made the decision to move the business to his home in Garner (I lived in Fayetteville at the time) but offered me a big pay raise to come along.
    • I was fresh out of a horrible two year long realtionship - I had nothing to lose, so I went
  • March 2010 - My boss tells me he is taking a corporate position in Minnesota and my job is safe for at least one year.
  • August 2010 - I meet my new boss and we instantly don't get along ( I contemplated quiting a few times along the way)
  • April 2011 - My old boss decides to come back, when my new boss decides to quit :)
  • Summer 2011 - Here I am now, writing 3 posts a day because work is just that slow!

Like I said before, I really hate to complain. However, I come in to work at 9AM and sit here until 5PM doing nothing. The phone rang once yesterday and twice today.

Luckily, I do get Friday's off but still. Just to let you know what I'm going through, one of the office managers about an hour away works Tuesday-Thursday 1-5.

Ugh. Is it 5 yet?

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