Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Recap :)

Do you remember the conversation between Carrie & Charlotte (Sex & The City, the first movie) when they are shopping for furniture for Carrie's apartment. She is talking to Charlotte about why she stopped running since she found out that she was pregnant. Charlotte is worried that something bad will happen, because SO many good things have happened.

I am beginning to feel this way as well, my life can't get much better than it is now!

My weekend was absolutely wonderful. Not one complaint the entire time. Well except that I had to wake up this morning and leave my lover in bed, since he has time to take off "just because he feels like it" But other than that, it was perfect!

I got home Friday afternoon and Momma and I went shopping for decorations and lingerie for Morgan's lingerie party. I haven't been to Party City in forever and they have some of the cutest things! I got two zebra serving trays (big enough to fit tons of fruit on them) for $4.99 a piece!! I also tried out some of the tissue paper flower balls that I've seen on some blogs, harder than they look!

I was off the diet this weekend, but surprisingly I still did rather well. Momma and I went to Red Robin for dinner and I only ate about half of my meal. Then as we were leaving, we passed a bent over bus boy. My mom begins laughing hysterically (and that in itself is a treat, her laugh is very unique) and when I ask what is so funny her reply is this: "I had to physically stop myself from kneeing him in the butt" - gosh I love her :)

After dinner we headed to the mall to find some lingerie. Now I kept telling everyone that I planned on getting something as slutty as I could. Not because that is the kind of person Morgan is, but because it's just so funny! So as mom and I are looking we run into our preacher's wife from church (who also happens to be Morgan's aunt) and her daughter and friend. They were also looking for something. I ended up picking out some cute black panties that say "property of the groom" in silver sparkles, a very slutty see-thru number and a candy g-string!

We woke up bright and early Saturday morning for breakfast with my dad and grandpa. Afterwards we tackled grocery shopping at Wal-mart with the entire town of Hope Mills, not to mention it was 100 degrees by 11AM and either it was all the people or Wal-mart's air wasn't working.

We got home and began getting everything ready for the party. We cut up fruit for hours and made penis shaped mac and cheese. It's hard buying decorations for someone else's house, not to mention when someone else is buying the table cloth and the plates, cups and napkins! Luckily everything worked out. We had a blast at the shower and Morgan surely racked up, especially from Victoria's Secret :)

Sunday was filled with church, lunch at Micasitas :) and naps. Then I came home to my love and we watched Big Brother. Let's not get started on Rachel's dramatics this week. I mean seriously you act like you are in elementary school and cry to Brendan because Jordan didn't pick you to watch a TV show!?! Something is seriously wrong, and I doubt Rachel & Brendan's relationship will make it thru this summer!

Now another week has begun, but tonight Heather and I are having dinner at Logan's - my diet restarts tomorrow. Did I mention that I weighed Wednesday night @ my parents house and when I weighed yesterday morning I was 9 and 1/2 pounds lighter? I'm sure its a mistake, but it was definitely the boost I needed :) Not to mention that I get to see my bosses kids, who I haven't seen in almost a year!!

Now for some pictures of the weekend! Happy Monday Y'all! (:

 {Bride to Be with Mr. Willie - a 2 ft inflatable penis that we had everyone sign}
 {Penis Cake - a must have at lingerie/bachelorette parties}
 {One of my presents to Morgan, well I guess to Blake}
 {Morgan and I}
 {All the bridesmaids, plus a few}
 {Morgan A., Christina, Lauren, Morgan R. and Me}
 {Drinking out of her big weenie, glow in the dark straw - oh the things we make her do ;)}
 {Momma and I after church}
{My adorable parents, who after 28 years of marriage and two kids, are still in love <3}

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