Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot Thursday & The Weekend!

First, I would like to share with you a few pics from my iPhone weather app :)

 {where I live}
 {where I work}
{where momma & daddy live & where I have decided to spend the weekend}

How crazy is this y'all? I mean why is it necessary to be this hot? However, at least we have AC to keep us cool!
Definitely ready for fall & winter to be here, and quick!!

Now on to other things (:

I just got back from Momma and Daddy's this morning. Oh how I love the fact that they live an hour a way and that it isn't impossible for me to go stay for the night. Momma made her amazing beef tips, rice and gravy (probably not good for my diet) and then we watched Big Brother. My mom then proceeded to dye my hair back to its normal dark brown. I am tired of paying close to $100 every few weeks to get highlights and a haircut. My aunt does hair, so she told us what to buy from Sally's :) It turned out a tad bit darker than normal, but that's okay. Now, I just need a haircut!

Today is my Friday! So tomorrow, I will be packing to return to Hope Mills for the weekend. Morgan's lingerie shower is Saturday and I am sure it will be a hoot! I am gonna go shopping for her Friday night with momma :)

Happy Thursday y'all, stay cool :)

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