Let's start off this lovely Wednesday morning with a few things I'm loving :) PS - I think italics is my new favorite!!)
1. Half Day at Work - I get to leave work at 12PM today, which means I will only be at work for 3 hours. I have a dentist appointment in Fayetteville. I've lived in Raleigh for a year and half now and still haven't found an OBGYN and dentist up here. I did change eye doctors but that's not a huge thing. Normally, leaving work early to go to the dentist wouldn't be so exciting, and while I'm not exactly thrilled to be going to the dentist, I've never been one to hate it. Maybe I just have really good teeth (no cavities for this girl).
2. Momma's Beef Tips - This is what I get to eat for dinner. While it's not exactly super diet friendly, its way better than my second choice which would be Micasitas. Micasitas is my favorite restaurant from home and while it serves Mexican, my favorite meal is the chicken fingers and fries with cheese dip - yes I'm that weirdo that doesn't get Mexican at a Mexican restaurant (: Anyways...I called to put in a request for some of Momma's home cooking and she accepted!
3. Dinner Dates with Megan - Last night my dear friend Megan and I went to dinner. We were both on a budget and while I was seriously craving Chick-Fil-A (remember my post from yesterday with the calorie breakdown) we had a simple dinner there. We talked for 2 hours! I'm telling you, we always have the best time when we get together! I've known Megan since my senior year in high school which was 6 years ago. She recently moved to Raleigh for an internship and lucky for me, she loves Raleigh (how could you not?) and wants to stay for good!! :) I always welcome my friends moving closer to me!!
{this was the most recent picture I have of Megan and I - 2 years ago on her 21st}
4. Heather - I can't explain how happy I am she is back in my life. We talked on the phone yesterday and it felt like we never missed a day. Sometimes, two people are just meant to be together and that's how I feel about us. As I stated in a previous post Heather is expecting. She is around 15 weeks and has a doctor's appointment this afternoon to make sure everything is okay (she was pregnant earlier this year and had a miscarriage and is starting to experience some of the same symptoms) I've been praying non-stop since Monday that everything would be all right. I am so blessed to be apart of this huge milestone in her life!
{Back in High School}
{A little more recent}
{Our Birthday last year, Heather turned 21, I turned 22}
{her cute! little pregnant belly}
5. Morgan's Lingerie Shower - One of my other lifelong friends, Morgan is getting married November 19, 2011 and I am a bridesmaid in her wedding! This weekend is her lingerie party. I've known Morgan since I was in 3rd grade, so for 15 years. I am so happy that she has found such a great guy to spend the rest of her life with. I got her a candy g-string as one of her presents ;) Maybe I should have thought about the fact that I haven't had a lingerie party yet, and what goes around comes around?!!? Oh well -its all in fun. Now for a few pics of Morgan and I!
{Again, forever ago - while we were in high school}
{My 21st birthday}
{At her engagement party - June 18, 2011}
{the soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Blake Smith - one of their engagement photos}
Happy Wednesday Y'all :)
Wow, you posted this really early in the morning..lol