I am talking about me.
I honestly believe I am so truly blessed its crazy.
I'll explain why...
This past weekend was the first weekend in probably a month and the last for a few weeks that my honey and I were/are going to be able to relax and be at home. We've gone to West Virginia, I've made multiple trips home and we've just been busy.
I came home Friday from my mini vacay at my parents house. I could have spent more time there, but frankly I missed J. Yes I was only gone for a few days, and we've been apart for longer, but there was just something this time telling me to go home, and I'm glad I did.
J's grandparents (Ed and DJ) live about 30 minutes away. We used to live in the same giant neighborhood, until we made the much needed move to our current home. We try to visit as often as possible, but with both of us working 40+ hours each week, and with our social calendars being completely booked on the weekends, its been a little difficult lately.
Justin's grandma, while a sweet lady can be somewhat judgemental...about everything and everyone. I sure would hate to hear what she may say about me! Friday afternoon I found out she was in Florida visiting her daughter, so Justin and I decided to visit grandpa. Now while Ed pokes fun at me constantly...it's all out of love. Justin got home and just like a giddy little boy getting a new toy, he was quite excited to see me. (See he missed me too :)
We picked up Buffalo Wild Wings (I'm addicted) and headed out. We visited and headed home. I forget what we did, but I think we both just went to bed.
Saturday morning he woke up to weed eat the driveway/yard. Boy do I love having a strong man that does those kinds of things so that I don't have to. We had scheduled a breakfast with grandpa, so he had to put off the mowing until later. We had breakfast and visited till around lunchtime. On our way out of town we picked up a bacon and pepperoni pizza from Howe's Your Pizza. (caution: we eat out a lot in this post, since our diet was starting Monday)
The rest of Saturday was filled with mowing the grass, me FINALLY completing the guest bedroom, grocery shopping at Target, dinner from Five Guys and relaxing.
We slept in Sunday and then decided to spend the day watching Harry Potter. They had a marathon on ABC Family and it seemed like the easiest thing to do. We had Chili's for lunch and then spent the rest of the day in our pajama's watching HP. J did grill steaks for dinner which were quite delicious :)
Now on to the even more blessed part.
Monday morning we both woke up griping that we had to go to work (in reality we should be thankful we even have jobs) Justin decided to go in to work at 12, as he got some pretty nasty fire ant bites this weekend and has felt sick ever since.
I had to stop by my bosses' apartment (him, his wife and 4 kids are sharing a 3 bedroom apartment until their flooded house is finished) to feed their cat while they are on vacation. I got to work and to my surprise the AC was broken. Now while I don't want to seem like some snobby "I can't work without AC" kind of girl, its hot here, 100 today to be precise. My wonderful boss told me to head home.
I got home and probably scared the crap out of J. Once he learned that I would be home the rest of the day, we had a total cheat on the diet/hooky day :) I went and picked up more Buffalo Wild Wings, some snacks from the store and we rented the remaining HP movies we either missed or ABC Family didn't show. We did that the entire day! Except for when I picked up more pizza for dinner.
I am so blessed to be able to do things like Hooky Mondays with Justin. I woke up this morning a little happier and a little more aware that my life is amazing and that I am TRULY BLESSED
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