Monday, July 4, 2011

West Virginia, Amish Country, & Fireworks :)

We left NC around 11 on Thursday and headed towards West Virginia. We made a pit stop in Princeton, WV to have lunch with my cousin Sam. Luckily she was getting off work just as we got to Princeton so we were able to eat at Chili's.

Sam and I have a special relationship. Most people don't see their cousins except for on major holidays and normally don't have a close relationship with them. However, Sam and I are only a little over 2 months apart and we, along with our other cousins were all raised more like brothers and sisters instead of cousins. She's one of my best friends and I'm glad I got to stop and see her :)

We got to Parkersburg (where J is from) around dinner time. We stay with his mom and her boyfriend Curt. His sister Becky was there as well. We decided to have a quiet night and wake up the next day and make our normal visits.

Cheri (J's mom) offered to take Becky and I to Marietta, Ohio to do some shopping and have lunch. Marietta is such a cute little town with the cutests shops along the river. We had lunch at the Lafayette Hotel bar where we had the worst margaritas and the weirdest waiter.
I'm really glad I got to spend this time with Cheri and Becky. I've always wanted a good relationship with my mother-in-law & sister-in-law, so this made me very happy!

After lunch, J and I were scheduled to go to dinner with his Grandma Nancy. We went to an italian restaurant called Columbo's. She's such a sweet little lady.

Saturday we woke up and headed to Amish Country! Cheri and Curt (Cheri's boyfriend) came along with us. We stayed in the historic Hotel Millersburg, and while it was a pretty hotel, the no air thing was definitely a turn off. After an afternoon of antiquing, shopping, and driving around Amish Country, we came back and had dinner followed by fireworks.

We went back to Parkersburg, had dinner with J's dad & brother and then visited his sister-in-law Leah at work. We woke up today and drove home.

While our vacation is over, I still have 7 wonderful days off work :)
-Now for a few, and I mean few pictures. I wasn't my normal photographer self!-

(on the way to dinner with Grandma Nancy)

(such a sweetheart <3)

(fireworks! - i'm such a little kid)

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