Friday, July 15, 2011

Eating Out While on a Diet

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday so we are travelling to Greenville to meet up with him, his girlfriend Jessica, my parents and grandparents for lunch.

The hard part is that we are going to Texas Roadhouse. They have two of my favorites: soda and cheese fries.

While I would absolutely love to have a cheat day, I will feel like a complete failure if I have a cheat day, five days into the diet. I am not a fan of coffee so soda, particularly Mello Yellow has always been my shot of caffeine. I have had a headache for an entire week from my lack of caffeine. I've been drinking juice, water and milk and while I feel better, I miss my Mello Yellow.

Last night Justin and I were talking about what we planned on eating while at lunch. Like the diet Nazi he gave me my choices: I could have cheese fries and water or one soda and a baked potato. We went back in forth for a few minutes and then he said one of the sweetest things I've ever ever heard:

"Babe we have to do this together. We can't give up already. I want both of us to be around for a long time and if we're gonna do this, we have to support each other."

This put everything into perspective. We can do this! We are both there for each other and when I'm having a weak moment and want a soda, he's there for me. I decided that I will have a small steak, fries and water. I'm gonna go all the way with this. I'm not going to let a measly soda throw me back into my old ways. However we did decide that for now, every two weeks, we are going to have a cheat meal. Our cheat meal next week will be at Logan's and I am allowed to have whatever I want :) However, I'm hoping that I can kick this diets butt during the next week and decide that I don't need a cheat day.

I can do this (:

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