Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Recap

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. It was very low-key and relaxing, yet fun and exciting.

During the summertime, my weekend starts on Friday. I know, I am super lucky :)

I had a lazy Friday morning followed by an afternoon with one of my dearest friends Carrie. We watched Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood - which prompted me to read her first book:

{Awesome book, however her mom is a total bitch}

We then went to check out a potential gym option. We both started diets recently and what better way to accomplish your goals then to have a great support system? More about that later :)
I headed home afterwards and tried out a new receipe. New to me, probably not new to some of you. You can find it on Betty Crocker's website or on the back of a Bisquick box. Here it is:

{I know it doesn't look very appetizing, but it was}
You can find the receipe Here

J and I were cuddled on the couch when I realized I needed to go take care of my bosses cat. Luckily, J being the great guy he is, went with me (its about 30 minutes one way, and it was already late). Afterwards, we had a little cheat and had a small chocolate milkshake from McDonalds and we shared a small fry.
Note to self: small chocolate milkshakes have 580 calories - so not using that as my next cheat!

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to Greenville for my brother's 21st birthday! I can't for the life of me believe he is already 21! We had lunch at Texas Roadhouse (sooo hard not the cheat) and then went to Fresh Market. They have apples the size of a football (not really, but close) and cupcakes the size of softballs (for real). We went back to his apartment with my parents and grandparents and had chocolate chip cookie cake (I had a small, small piece) and then said our goodbyes. Daniel, however was feeling extremely generous, he took me to UBE (the bookstore) and bought me an ECU shirt. I also bought myself another shirt and a keychain I liked. Here are a few pictures:

{Me and the birthday boy!} 
{Me and my beautiful Momma}

Sunday was a very lazy day, filled with Sex and the City and relaxing.

Ohh and about that support system: I have the following rooting for me - J, My entire family, Carrie, My boss and his wife. Not only are my boss and his wife rooting for me, he said that if I showed him for 30 days that I was gonna do this diet thing for real - that he would pay up to $50 per month for a gym membership for the next 6 months - How great is that and how blessed am I to have such an amazing boss?

Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend too :)

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