Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seriously? Who Doesn't Text These Days?!!?

So as you may or may not know, Justin and I met on


It all started out as a joke. Heather and I were both going to sign up and see where it went. I mean we had already been thru every kind of relationship possible between the two of us. This couldn't be that much worse.

Turns out, I was the only one who set up an account, but a year and a half later, I'm in love with my soulmate!

Anyways, about my corny title...Heather FINALLY agreed to sign up. After endless dead ends through out the past year and a half, she finally decided to give in to my pushing and sign up. While she hasn't had the best of luck (but then again its only been 4 days). She finally found one today!

His name is Rollin and he is such a cutie! He is as country as they come and perfect for Heather.

Below is a conversation we had via text this afternoon:

Heather: So guess what kind of phone Rollin has?
Me: iPhone? And wait have ya'll been texting all day?
H: a freaking RAZR!!!!!!!!!! WTF and no we exchanged one text because of that issue!!!
A: Wait... You aren't talking to him because he has a RAZR?
H: No he can't text lol <--- This line made me lol :)
A: Oh hahahah seriously? This is 2011 and he can't text?
H: I know right WTF
A: Are you gonna message him later and be like for real? Are you a grandpa?
H: Haha no he's sooo country, I think that's why.

And to keep from boring you with the rest of the convo...she is going to keep talking to him and hopefully with her good looks and charm she can convince him to add texting to his outdated phone. It's only like $10-$15 a month!!

Bad Blogger

I have been a very bad blogger this week, I'm really sorry :)

Now that the apologizes are over...I have been super busy this week. Not just with work, which has actually finally picked up a little, but with my social life.

The diet went to HELL his week. I have promised myself that come Monday, I'm back on it full force.

I have been going out after work a lot. Monday night, Heather and I went to dinner and went to the mall, although I didn't buy a single thing (except dinner). Tuesday night, I went and saw my bosses kids for the first time in a year! They have gotten so big and are so very cute! Then I had to take dinner home to my hurt boyfriend. (More about that later) Last night, I went to TJ Maxx and got some super cute stuff! I also checked out Target, but all I bought was a movie. Tonight, Heather and I are going shopping at a different mall, and tomorrow, Carrie and I are going shopping at another mall. My cute boyfriend asked this morning if I was ever going to get tired of shopping? :) He has another thing coming if he thinks so!

So on to the hurt boyfriend part of my recap. Justin decided to play hooky on Monday and stay home for 8 hours of what they call "school time". Apparently his office gives each person, 16 hours of school time each year. This can be used to check out a college, go with your kid on a field trip, go to an awards day for your child, or in Justin's case - play hooky.

Tuesday morning he wakes up with a bruised foot and in a lot of pain. Normally if he gets up in the middle of the night, I feel him. He didn't get up the night before. I made him go to the doctor. Turns out, he severely sprained it. I guess he kicked the bed in the middle of the night and hurt himself pretty bad. So now he was up to two days off work. He is now playing catch up, working super late and apparently working on Saturday - missing a family outing in Fayetteville :(

Sadly, I can't help but be a little upset. I don't blame it on him, but I feel like almost everytime we are supposed to do something with my family, he is sick or hurt. Just really irks me!

Happy Thursday Y'all (well in my case its my Friday)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Recap :)

Do you remember the conversation between Carrie & Charlotte (Sex & The City, the first movie) when they are shopping for furniture for Carrie's apartment. She is talking to Charlotte about why she stopped running since she found out that she was pregnant. Charlotte is worried that something bad will happen, because SO many good things have happened.

I am beginning to feel this way as well, my life can't get much better than it is now!

My weekend was absolutely wonderful. Not one complaint the entire time. Well except that I had to wake up this morning and leave my lover in bed, since he has time to take off "just because he feels like it" But other than that, it was perfect!

I got home Friday afternoon and Momma and I went shopping for decorations and lingerie for Morgan's lingerie party. I haven't been to Party City in forever and they have some of the cutest things! I got two zebra serving trays (big enough to fit tons of fruit on them) for $4.99 a piece!! I also tried out some of the tissue paper flower balls that I've seen on some blogs, harder than they look!

I was off the diet this weekend, but surprisingly I still did rather well. Momma and I went to Red Robin for dinner and I only ate about half of my meal. Then as we were leaving, we passed a bent over bus boy. My mom begins laughing hysterically (and that in itself is a treat, her laugh is very unique) and when I ask what is so funny her reply is this: "I had to physically stop myself from kneeing him in the butt" - gosh I love her :)

After dinner we headed to the mall to find some lingerie. Now I kept telling everyone that I planned on getting something as slutty as I could. Not because that is the kind of person Morgan is, but because it's just so funny! So as mom and I are looking we run into our preacher's wife from church (who also happens to be Morgan's aunt) and her daughter and friend. They were also looking for something. I ended up picking out some cute black panties that say "property of the groom" in silver sparkles, a very slutty see-thru number and a candy g-string!

We woke up bright and early Saturday morning for breakfast with my dad and grandpa. Afterwards we tackled grocery shopping at Wal-mart with the entire town of Hope Mills, not to mention it was 100 degrees by 11AM and either it was all the people or Wal-mart's air wasn't working.

We got home and began getting everything ready for the party. We cut up fruit for hours and made penis shaped mac and cheese. It's hard buying decorations for someone else's house, not to mention when someone else is buying the table cloth and the plates, cups and napkins! Luckily everything worked out. We had a blast at the shower and Morgan surely racked up, especially from Victoria's Secret :)

Sunday was filled with church, lunch at Micasitas :) and naps. Then I came home to my love and we watched Big Brother. Let's not get started on Rachel's dramatics this week. I mean seriously you act like you are in elementary school and cry to Brendan because Jordan didn't pick you to watch a TV show!?! Something is seriously wrong, and I doubt Rachel & Brendan's relationship will make it thru this summer!

Now another week has begun, but tonight Heather and I are having dinner at Logan's - my diet restarts tomorrow. Did I mention that I weighed Wednesday night @ my parents house and when I weighed yesterday morning I was 9 and 1/2 pounds lighter? I'm sure its a mistake, but it was definitely the boost I needed :) Not to mention that I get to see my bosses kids, who I haven't seen in almost a year!!

Now for some pictures of the weekend! Happy Monday Y'all! (:

 {Bride to Be with Mr. Willie - a 2 ft inflatable penis that we had everyone sign}
 {Penis Cake - a must have at lingerie/bachelorette parties}
 {One of my presents to Morgan, well I guess to Blake}
 {Morgan and I}
 {All the bridesmaids, plus a few}
 {Morgan A., Christina, Lauren, Morgan R. and Me}
 {Drinking out of her big weenie, glow in the dark straw - oh the things we make her do ;)}
 {Momma and I after church}
{My adorable parents, who after 28 years of marriage and two kids, are still in love <3}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot Thursday & The Weekend!

First, I would like to share with you a few pics from my iPhone weather app :)

 {where I live}
 {where I work}
{where momma & daddy live & where I have decided to spend the weekend}

How crazy is this y'all? I mean why is it necessary to be this hot? However, at least we have AC to keep us cool!
Definitely ready for fall & winter to be here, and quick!!

Now on to other things (:

I just got back from Momma and Daddy's this morning. Oh how I love the fact that they live an hour a way and that it isn't impossible for me to go stay for the night. Momma made her amazing beef tips, rice and gravy (probably not good for my diet) and then we watched Big Brother. My mom then proceeded to dye my hair back to its normal dark brown. I am tired of paying close to $100 every few weeks to get highlights and a haircut. My aunt does hair, so she told us what to buy from Sally's :) It turned out a tad bit darker than normal, but that's okay. Now, I just need a haircut!

Today is my Friday! So tomorrow, I will be packing to return to Hope Mills for the weekend. Morgan's lingerie shower is Saturday and I am sure it will be a hoot! I am gonna go shopping for her Friday night with momma :)

Happy Thursday y'all, stay cool :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday :)

Let's start off this lovely Wednesday morning with a few things I'm loving :) PS - I think italics is my new favorite!!)

1. Half Day at Work - I get to leave work at 12PM today, which means I will only be at work for 3 hours. I have a dentist appointment in Fayetteville. I've lived in Raleigh for a year and half now and still haven't found an OBGYN and dentist up here. I did change eye doctors but that's not a huge thing. Normally, leaving work early to go to the dentist wouldn't be so exciting, and while I'm not exactly thrilled to be going to the dentist, I've never been one to hate it. Maybe I just have really good teeth (no cavities for this girl).

2. Momma's Beef Tips - This is what I get to eat for dinner. While it's not exactly super diet friendly, its way better than my second choice which would be Micasitas. Micasitas is my favorite restaurant from home and while it serves Mexican, my favorite meal is the chicken fingers and fries with cheese dip - yes I'm that weirdo that doesn't get Mexican at a Mexican restaurant (: Anyways...I called to put in a request for some of Momma's home cooking and she accepted!

3. Dinner Dates with Megan - Last night my dear friend Megan and I went to dinner. We were both on a budget and while I was seriously craving Chick-Fil-A (remember my post from yesterday with the calorie breakdown) we had a simple dinner there. We talked for 2 hours! I'm telling you, we always have the best time when we get together! I've known Megan since my senior year in high school which was 6 years ago. She recently moved to Raleigh for an internship and lucky for me, she loves Raleigh (how could you not?) and wants to stay for good!! :) I always welcome my friends moving closer to me!!
{this was the most recent picture I have of Megan and I - 2 years ago on her 21st}

4. Heather - I can't explain how happy I am she is back in my life. We talked on the phone yesterday and it felt like we never missed a day. Sometimes, two people are just meant to be together and that's how I feel about us. As I stated in a previous post Heather is expecting. She is around 15 weeks and has a doctor's appointment this afternoon to make sure everything is okay (she was pregnant earlier this year and had a miscarriage and is starting to experience some of the same symptoms) I've been praying non-stop since Monday that everything would be all right. I am so blessed to be apart of this huge milestone in her life!
 {Back in High School}
 {A little more recent}
 {Our Birthday last year, Heather turned 21, I turned 22}
{her cute! little pregnant belly}
5. Morgan's Lingerie Shower - One of my other lifelong friends, Morgan is getting married November 19, 2011 and I am a bridesmaid in her wedding! This weekend is her lingerie party. I've known Morgan since I was in 3rd grade, so for 15 years. I am so happy that she has found such a great guy to spend the rest of her life with. I got her a candy g-string as one of her presents ;) Maybe I should have thought about the fact that I haven't had a lingerie party yet, and what goes around comes around?!!? Oh well -its all in fun. Now for a few pics of Morgan and I!
 {Again, forever ago - while we were in high school}
 {My 21st birthday}
 {At her engagement party - June 18, 2011}
{the soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Blake Smith - one of their engagement photos}

Happy Wednesday Y'all :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Diet Update

So Today is officially one week into mine and J's diet. Today, so far is proving to be the hardest day I've had yet, and I don't know why. I've done good so far. I woke up, ate breakfast and have been drinking my water. I have half of a turkey and provolone sandwich for lunch and all I want to do is forget about that and head to Chick-fil-a. So bad in fact that I used their meal calculator to find out that I could have the following:

8 count chicken nuggets
Medium waffle fries
Medium coke
Calories: 790

Now to me, that isn't a lot. For one meal that isn't half bad. I am going off a 2,000 Calorie diet. This means that I am still allowed to have 1,000 calories (the 210 I'm leaving out were for my bowl of mini-wheats this morning) I find myself thinking, man that could definitely be worth it.

Oh how I wish I wouldn't have added all of that up now.

Other than random cravings like this one, I'm doing pretty good.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason

Remeber my post last week about the life long friend I lost, if not ready it here.

I sent her a message oh probably two weeks ago asking when she planned on moving out of our old apartment and when could I get my keys back. She never replied.

Today, she replied. We have texted back and forth all day. Taking things slow, and just catching up. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I feel like things could go back to normal, eventually, one day far down the road.

Her exciting news is that she is expecting :) She is due in January and doesn't want to find out the sex. I would die waiting to find out! However, she isn't out of the woods yet, so keep her in your prayers, as well as our ever rekindling friendship!

I'll leave you with a picture of her cute little prego belly (:


Weekend Recap

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. It was very low-key and relaxing, yet fun and exciting.

During the summertime, my weekend starts on Friday. I know, I am super lucky :)

I had a lazy Friday morning followed by an afternoon with one of my dearest friends Carrie. We watched Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood - which prompted me to read her first book:

{Awesome book, however her mom is a total bitch}

We then went to check out a potential gym option. We both started diets recently and what better way to accomplish your goals then to have a great support system? More about that later :)
I headed home afterwards and tried out a new receipe. New to me, probably not new to some of you. You can find it on Betty Crocker's website or on the back of a Bisquick box. Here it is:

{I know it doesn't look very appetizing, but it was}
You can find the receipe Here

J and I were cuddled on the couch when I realized I needed to go take care of my bosses cat. Luckily, J being the great guy he is, went with me (its about 30 minutes one way, and it was already late). Afterwards, we had a little cheat and had a small chocolate milkshake from McDonalds and we shared a small fry.
Note to self: small chocolate milkshakes have 580 calories - so not using that as my next cheat!

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to Greenville for my brother's 21st birthday! I can't for the life of me believe he is already 21! We had lunch at Texas Roadhouse (sooo hard not the cheat) and then went to Fresh Market. They have apples the size of a football (not really, but close) and cupcakes the size of softballs (for real). We went back to his apartment with my parents and grandparents and had chocolate chip cookie cake (I had a small, small piece) and then said our goodbyes. Daniel, however was feeling extremely generous, he took me to UBE (the bookstore) and bought me an ECU shirt. I also bought myself another shirt and a keychain I liked. Here are a few pictures:

{Me and the birthday boy!} 
{Me and my beautiful Momma}

Sunday was a very lazy day, filled with Sex and the City and relaxing.

Ohh and about that support system: I have the following rooting for me - J, My entire family, Carrie, My boss and his wife. Not only are my boss and his wife rooting for me, he said that if I showed him for 30 days that I was gonna do this diet thing for real - that he would pay up to $50 per month for a gym membership for the next 6 months - How great is that and how blessed am I to have such an amazing boss?

Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend too :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eating Out While on a Diet

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday so we are travelling to Greenville to meet up with him, his girlfriend Jessica, my parents and grandparents for lunch.

The hard part is that we are going to Texas Roadhouse. They have two of my favorites: soda and cheese fries.

While I would absolutely love to have a cheat day, I will feel like a complete failure if I have a cheat day, five days into the diet. I am not a fan of coffee so soda, particularly Mello Yellow has always been my shot of caffeine. I have had a headache for an entire week from my lack of caffeine. I've been drinking juice, water and milk and while I feel better, I miss my Mello Yellow.

Last night Justin and I were talking about what we planned on eating while at lunch. Like the diet Nazi he gave me my choices: I could have cheese fries and water or one soda and a baked potato. We went back in forth for a few minutes and then he said one of the sweetest things I've ever ever heard:

"Babe we have to do this together. We can't give up already. I want both of us to be around for a long time and if we're gonna do this, we have to support each other."

This put everything into perspective. We can do this! We are both there for each other and when I'm having a weak moment and want a soda, he's there for me. I decided that I will have a small steak, fries and water. I'm gonna go all the way with this. I'm not going to let a measly soda throw me back into my old ways. However we did decide that for now, every two weeks, we are going to have a cheat meal. Our cheat meal next week will be at Logan's and I am allowed to have whatever I want :) However, I'm hoping that I can kick this diets butt during the next week and decide that I don't need a cheat day.

I can do this (:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday :)

I've noticed that quite a few of my posts have been on the more negative side lately. I plan to change that right now.

Here is my very first "Thankful Thursday" post :)

  1. My Job:
    So I know I did a post just yesterday to complain about how bored I was. In all reality I am so very thankful that I even have a job to complain about. It seems like every single night, there is a new story on the news about all of those without jobs, those with college degrees who have jobs that someone in high school could do and those that are losing their home because they can't find a job to support their family and their bills. I am blessed enough to have a job, that pays well, and that I most of the time enjoy!
  2. Blogger & Pinterest
    I am so excited to have finally got into the swing of things with blogger. I made my blog in February and just recently have actually set my mind to posting multiple times a week, and sometimes multiple times a day, still sorry about that one! It's so refreshing to be able to talk about whatever I have on my mind with little to no opposition. And Pinterest, I was looking at other blogs and noticed a growing trend. I quickly jumped on the trend wagon and found myself checking my email every few hours to see if I had received my invite yet. There is just something about this "secret pinterest society" that you have to be invited to. I finally got my invite this morning and I am super excited to start pinning - post devoted entirely to pinterest in the near future
  3. Having Fridays Off
    I am so happy to have Friday's off. While I would much rather have a few more days off a week, there is nothing like a 3 day weekend, every week! I always wake up on Thursdays with a smile on my face because this is my Friday. I know that in 8 short hours it will be my weekend! Whether I choose to have a pajama day and catch up on my daytime shows, or run errands/clean having Fridays off is wonderful. Tomorrow's day off will consist of running errands. I want to get my hair dyed back dark brown and trimmed, plus Carrie and I are going to check out Curves, the all women's gym!
  4. My wonderful brother Daniel
    I am always thankful for him, but especially on this Thursday. He turns 21 on Saturday, a milestone he has been waiting ever so patiently for. I've tried warning him it doesn't really feel any different and evenutally the newness of being able to purchase alcohol will wear off. We fought like cats and dogs growing up and have recently became great friends. I know if I ever need anything he is there and the same if he ever needs anything. I can't wait to spend his birthday with him, although I may call him early Sunday morning, just to show that sisterly love :)
  5. My Best Friend
    My bff is my mom. I am so very blessed to have such an amazing role model and woman to call my best friend. When I was growing up we butted heads like it was our job. We rarely got along and I thought she was as dumb as a box of rocks. However, now that I have grown up, came into my own as an adult, and live 100 miles away, I have learned that I was completely wrong. She is there when I need her most. I seriously talk to her at least once a day if not more. She always knows what to say to calm me down, or to cheer me up. I value every minute I get to spend with her and look forward to every get together we plan. She has become even more special to me over the past year. Losing you best friend is a hard thing to handle. It always helps having one, your momma, to come to the rescue.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


First of all, let me say that I am beyond thankful to have a job. I am so blessed to know that I have a steady income and that I won't wake up one morning and be without a job.

I've been here for 4 years in November. It's definitely a high stress job during some parts of the year (I work for a company that provides cap and gowns, graduation accessories and class rings to high school juniors and seniors) and very low key during others (like now). Here is a brief timeline of what I have went through here:

  • November 2007 - My first day was somewhere around Thanksgiving
  • June 2008 - The Office assistant that I was hired to work with, was fired - I was now in charge
  • Fall 2008 - My boss hired a friend of mine to help out (note to self: don't work with friends)
    • While I love her dearly, its can sometimes ruin a friendship and for about a year, it did ruin ours
  • March 2009 - We moved offices
  • Summer/Fall 2009 - Two more coworkers were hired who I loved dearly. There was Lee who worked in the field and Baylee who was my assistant, such a great girl :)
  • November 2009 - A mental health business move into our office building. They serviced teenagers as well as sex offenders, we had to move
  • December 2009 - My boss made the decision to move the business to his home in Garner (I lived in Fayetteville at the time) but offered me a big pay raise to come along.
    • I was fresh out of a horrible two year long realtionship - I had nothing to lose, so I went
  • March 2010 - My boss tells me he is taking a corporate position in Minnesota and my job is safe for at least one year.
  • August 2010 - I meet my new boss and we instantly don't get along ( I contemplated quiting a few times along the way)
  • April 2011 - My old boss decides to come back, when my new boss decides to quit :)
  • Summer 2011 - Here I am now, writing 3 posts a day because work is just that slow!

Like I said before, I really hate to complain. However, I come in to work at 9AM and sit here until 5PM doing nothing. The phone rang once yesterday and twice today.

Luckily, I do get Friday's off but still. Just to let you know what I'm going through, one of the office managers about an hour away works Tuesday-Thursday 1-5.

Ugh. Is it 5 yet?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Not a Diet, It's a Lifestyle

Three posts in one day? Yes I know, but I had some making up to do for my lack of posts from this weekend and last week.

Dieting. One of my absolute least favorite things to do. However, I have been putting it off way too long and have looked at one too many pictures of myself that I am unhappy with.

I have never been the type that I live to eat. I don't sit at home and eat, eat, eat. I just eat a lot of really bad foods. I'm very picky, which I have been trying to work on, however its difficult. I don't like a lot of the things you can eat a lot of and not gain weight, like salad, veggies and so forth. There are a few fruits I like, but vegetables are not my fave.

I have always struggled with my weight. Always. I have looked back at pictures from when I was a kid all the way through high school and college and while now I wish I was what I thought was "overweight" in high school, I finally decided I had to do something about it. This time I am determined and nothing  is going to change my mind.

Diets always work better when you have a support system. Therefore Justin and I are doing this together. We both decided we want to be there for our kids and grandkids. We want to be able to play in the yard with our children and not get tired. Most importantly, we don't want this to happen to our children.

So far, on diet day one I am doing well. I'm drinking lots of water, and keeping my calories below 2000. I've given up soda completely (diet makes me want to throw up) and I'm eating less of what I used to eat a lot of.

I don't want to be super skinny, but I want to feel desirable and while Justin has told me time and time again that he'd love me if I was 120lbs or 400lbs, I want to feel good about myself.

I'm going to try and do at least one diet post a week, just to keep y'all updated on my progress!

Losing a Life-Long Friend

I haven't shared much about this, because it is very painful. Anyone who has had to go through this would understand and for those of y'all who are lucky enough to have not been through this, I'm happy for you.

December 2010 brought forth some of the biggest changes in my life. I decided to move in with Justin. He was the first man I ever wanted to actually live with. I whole heartedly believe you should "test drive the car before you buy it" but I am not one to test drive every car out there. So me deciding to move in with him was a huge step for me.

I value my friendships with my friends greatly. I have those friends who aren't judgemental, no matter what I say or do. I have those friends who I can not see/talk to for weeks and pick up right where we left off. I have friends that I talk to every day and it never gets old. I used to have one friend who I could do all of these things with and had done them with for 15 + years.

We will call her HD. We met when we were kids at church. At the time we fought like crazy. I live by the fact that anytime three friends are together someone is going to feel left out. It's just expected. HD and I were so much a like. We share the same exact birthday, only one year apart. We are both older sisters to a younger brother. We both love our parents like crazy. So when we decided to move in together in December of 2009 I thought it would be perfect. We normally lived an hour away from each other so we weren't able to spend a lot of time together.

I quickly found out that while HD and I still had a lot in common, we were both growing and going in separate directions. I was becoming very career minded as well as looking for my future husband. HD was still stuck in college. She partied every night, and slept all day. She looked for her future husband at bars and clubs while I looked for mine at I had to be up Monday-Friday to go to work, she worked nights at a restaurant. While we were the same friends, we were becoming very different people.

Then I met Justin.

I have said before that at first I wasn't sold. Justin had to work very hard to get me to even go on a first date with him. His perseverance is what makes me love him. Once I gave him a chance, I quickly begin to realize that this was going to go somewhere. While all relationships go through their bumpy stages while getting to know each other and learning to see what each person brings and what they expect, getting through those times is what makes a good relationship. HD always jumps off the wagon during these times.

Prior to Justin, I was in a very bad relationship. I let this guy do things to me that I never thought I would put up with. I drove everywhere, paid for everything, had to beg to see him without his friends around, had to beg to even see him. I can't count how many weekends went by where we didn't even talk. How many nights went by that I stayed awake fearing that he was cheating on me. I still put him before my friends and sometimes my family. I finally got the courage to end it and I promised myself that I would never let anyone do that to me again.

I started the realtionship with Justin very different. He knew how important my family and friends were to me. He knew what I expected out of a boyfriend and the minute he showed signs of something different, I told him how I felt and we got through it.

However, as some friends can be, he wasn't good enough for me (per HD). Because we didn't spend every waking minute together, he wasn't good enough. Because he hadn't said i love you after a month of dating, he wasn't good enough. Because he didn't spoil me every minute of the day with "things" he wasn't good enough.

None of this mattered to me. I was happy for the first time in years and I wasn't letting him go.

A few months after I started dating Justin, HD met Josh. He was a nice guy and he and HD could have went far, but they were both more focused on rushing things that really seeing the full potential of their relationship. All in a month: they said I love you, looked at engagement rings, planned to move to Florida together, picked out baby names and probably more I wasn't aware of.

HD's weapon of choice when a fight happens is "breaking up". Every single time she has ever gotten in to a fight with a boyfriend, that is her automatic reaction, "lets break up". She doesn't talk about things, she breaks up. All during this month of I love yous and lets get married, multiple break ups occured.

Our friendship got to the point where we saw each other only in passing in the apartment, and anytime conversation of Justin or Josh occured, we argued. I distanced myself from her in the hopes that time would heal our wounds and we would both realize that as long as the other is happy, that's all that matters.

I realized it, but HD never did.

Since December 2010 I have been screwed over more times that I can count. I have continued to pay my rent at the apartment because she said she would "be a bitch to whoever tried to sublease". I had to completely delete her out of my life to have any kind of rest.

Once again, I fell into her trap and tried to help her brother by letting him stay in my room for $200 a month because he couldn't afford the full $600.

I received a call yesterday from the apartments that she opened a notice from the apartments for me and called them about it.

It looks like I will have to pay to have all of my keys replaced and any kind of damages she might have made.

Long story short - while I think about her everyday, and wish that somehow, someway we could put this past us. That she would grow up and realize what she has done to people. That I could have my friend back. I know that once July 31st comes and she has moved out of the apartment, and everything is finished. I can finally have my full life back. One that doesn't involve her and doesn't involve the pain she has caused me.

I can finally move on and be completely happy.

Truly Blessed

I am talking about me.
I honestly believe I am so truly blessed its crazy.
I'll explain why...

This past weekend was the first weekend in probably a month and the last for a few weeks that my honey and I were/are going to be able to relax and be at home. We've gone to West Virginia, I've made multiple trips home and we've just been busy.

I came home Friday from my mini vacay at my parents house. I could have spent more time there, but frankly I missed J. Yes I was only gone for a few days, and we've been apart for longer, but there was just something this time telling me to go home, and I'm glad I did.

J's grandparents (Ed and DJ) live about 30 minutes away. We used to live in the same giant neighborhood, until we made the much needed move to our current home. We try to visit as often as possible, but with both of us working 40+ hours each week, and with our social calendars being completely booked on the weekends, its been a little difficult lately. 

Justin's grandma, while a sweet lady can be somewhat judgemental...about everything and everyone. I sure would hate to hear what she may say about me! Friday afternoon I found out she was in Florida visiting her daughter, so Justin and I decided to visit grandpa. Now while Ed pokes fun at me's all out of love. Justin got home and just like a giddy little boy getting a new toy, he was quite excited to see me. (See he missed me too :)

We picked up Buffalo Wild Wings (I'm addicted) and headed out. We visited and headed home. I forget what we did, but I think we both just went to bed.

Saturday morning he woke up to weed eat the driveway/yard. Boy do I love having a strong man that does those kinds of things so that I don't have to.  We had scheduled a breakfast with grandpa, so he had to put off the mowing until later. We had breakfast and visited till around lunchtime. On our way out of town we picked up a bacon and pepperoni pizza from Howe's Your Pizza. (caution: we eat out a lot in this post, since our diet was starting Monday)

The rest of Saturday was filled with mowing the grass, me FINALLY completing the guest bedroom, grocery shopping at Target, dinner from Five Guys and relaxing.

We slept in Sunday and then decided to spend the day watching Harry Potter. They had a marathon on ABC Family and it seemed like the easiest thing to do. We had Chili's for lunch and then spent the rest of the day in our pajama's watching HP. J did grill steaks for dinner which were quite delicious :)

Now on to the even more blessed part.

Monday morning we both woke up griping that we had to go to work (in reality we should be thankful we even have jobs) Justin decided to go in to work at 12, as he got some pretty nasty fire ant bites this weekend and has felt sick ever since.

I had to stop by my bosses' apartment (him, his wife and 4 kids are sharing a 3 bedroom apartment until their flooded house is finished) to feed their cat while they are on vacation. I got to work and to my surprise the AC was broken. Now while I don't want to seem like some snobby "I can't work without AC" kind of girl, its hot here, 100 today to be precise. My wonderful boss told me to head home.

I got home and probably scared the crap out of J. Once he learned that I would be home the rest of the day, we had a total cheat on the diet/hooky day :) I went and picked up more Buffalo Wild Wings, some snacks from the store and we rented the remaining HP movies we either missed or ABC Family didn't show. We did that the entire day! Except for when I picked up more pizza for dinner.

I am so blessed to be able to do things like Hooky Mondays with Justin. I woke up this morning a little happier and a little more aware that my life is amazing and that I am TRULY BLESSED

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Home is Where your Heart is

I was lucky enough to have this entire week off of work and while I enjoyed it, Monday is creeping up ever so slowly and I'm sure I'll have a hard time getting out of bed when my alarm goes off. Anyways, I decided to take full advantage of my time off and head to my parents house for a few days.

There is just something about being home that always makes me feel good. I don't know if its the time to catch up, or just being with momma and daddy, but I feel like I'm a little girl all over again. I got in Wednesday morning and from the tiem I got there until the time I left, I was busy visiting friends and family. I saw quite a few people and am proud I was able to fit it all in.

The best part is that I was able to spend some wonderful time with my momma, doing what we do best: shopping :) The even better part: she bought everything! I didn't go crazy, I just got a few things I've been wanting.

Friday afternoon came too soon and while I could have stayed and spent more time at home, my parents were going to the beach for the weekend and I really missed J.

The weekend has been pretty productive so far. Luckily he is starting to listen and actually kept the house pretty clean while I was gone. I woke up this morning and decided I was finally going to tackle the guest bedroom. We have been here for almost 4 months, and im so stoked I finally finished it. It could definitely use some decorations on the wall, but for now it will do. It will be the perfect place for my momma to sleep when she comes to visit the end of the this month.

J mowed grass, we went to his grandpa's for breakfast and I did some grocery shopping at Target and actually didn't blow more money than I should.

I believe I'll do some straightening up tomorrow and of course some relaxing since I have to head back to work on Monday.

Hope ya'll are having a good weekend as well - now for pictures of our guest room :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So I know all of my posts this week were supposed to be about the people I love. And I promise to continue with that theme the remainder of the week, but today I don't have time.

I am getting ready to head to my Momma and Daddy's house for a few way. I am so blessed to not only have wonderful parents who I enjoy spending time with, but I also have an amazing boyfriend who understands how important my family is to me and doesn't get all fussy when I say I wanna go visit. If there is one thing I can't stand, its a boyfriend who acts "jealous" when I do things with out him. J is the farthest from that, thank goodness :)

So I am just going down for a few days. I'm gonna catch up with some friends, eat at some hometown restaurants and spend time with my family. My baby brother will be in as well. It's alway nice to catch him while I'm home too.

Happy Wednesday Ya'll

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

People I Love - Day One

I decided to devote this weeks blogs to the people I care about most. The are in no particular order, and I may have to do more than one post a day, but they all deserve it :)

My first post is devoted to Carrie. Carrie and I met in high school, freshman year I believe. We weren't immediately close, but as the years went on we got closer and closer. Recently we didn't talk for a few months, because I was dumb :) I am so happy that we have reconnected. She is one of my best friends. She knows me inside and out and she doesn't judge any decisions I make. She listens with an open ear and knows when I am just venting or if I want feedback.

She is such an amazing person. She has gone through so much and is one of the strongest people I know. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. Whether we are laying in bed watching Teen Mom and both on computers or if we are out shopping, everyday with her is fun.

She's in FL right now visiting another friend of ours Anika, she's been gone for 10 days and I miss her dearly.
I am so lucky that she and her boyfriend moved to Raleigh the same time I did.

Here are some pictures of us :) Carrie, I love you!

{Going out for my 22nd birthday} 
{Florida Vacation - July 2009} 
{Halloween in Florida, 2009} 
{Our friend Jessica's wedding} 
{Probably our 5th or 6th glass of champagne ;)} 
{Mini-Golf in Florida 2010} 
{Easter Egg Hunt 2011}

Monday, July 4, 2011

West Virginia, Amish Country, & Fireworks :)

We left NC around 11 on Thursday and headed towards West Virginia. We made a pit stop in Princeton, WV to have lunch with my cousin Sam. Luckily she was getting off work just as we got to Princeton so we were able to eat at Chili's.

Sam and I have a special relationship. Most people don't see their cousins except for on major holidays and normally don't have a close relationship with them. However, Sam and I are only a little over 2 months apart and we, along with our other cousins were all raised more like brothers and sisters instead of cousins. She's one of my best friends and I'm glad I got to stop and see her :)

We got to Parkersburg (where J is from) around dinner time. We stay with his mom and her boyfriend Curt. His sister Becky was there as well. We decided to have a quiet night and wake up the next day and make our normal visits.

Cheri (J's mom) offered to take Becky and I to Marietta, Ohio to do some shopping and have lunch. Marietta is such a cute little town with the cutests shops along the river. We had lunch at the Lafayette Hotel bar where we had the worst margaritas and the weirdest waiter.
I'm really glad I got to spend this time with Cheri and Becky. I've always wanted a good relationship with my mother-in-law & sister-in-law, so this made me very happy!

After lunch, J and I were scheduled to go to dinner with his Grandma Nancy. We went to an italian restaurant called Columbo's. She's such a sweet little lady.

Saturday we woke up and headed to Amish Country! Cheri and Curt (Cheri's boyfriend) came along with us. We stayed in the historic Hotel Millersburg, and while it was a pretty hotel, the no air thing was definitely a turn off. After an afternoon of antiquing, shopping, and driving around Amish Country, we came back and had dinner followed by fireworks.

We went back to Parkersburg, had dinner with J's dad & brother and then visited his sister-in-law Leah at work. We woke up today and drove home.

While our vacation is over, I still have 7 wonderful days off work :)
-Now for a few, and I mean few pictures. I wasn't my normal photographer self!-

(on the way to dinner with Grandma Nancy)

(such a sweetheart <3)

(fireworks! - i'm such a little kid)