I haven't shared much about this, because it is very painful. Anyone who has had to go through this would understand and for those of y'all who are lucky enough to have not been through this, I'm happy for you.
December 2010 brought forth some of the biggest changes in my life. I decided to move in with Justin. He was the first man I ever wanted to actually live with. I whole heartedly believe you should "test drive the car before you buy it" but I am not one to test drive every car out there. So me deciding to move in with him was a huge step for me.
I value my friendships with my friends greatly. I have those friends who aren't judgemental, no matter what I say or do. I have those friends who I can not see/talk to for weeks and pick up right where we left off. I have friends that I talk to every day and it never gets old. I used to have one friend who I could do all of these things with and had done them with for 15 + years.
We will call her HD. We met when we were kids at church. At the time we fought like crazy. I live by the fact that anytime three friends are together someone is going to feel left out. It's just expected. HD and I were so much a like. We share the same exact birthday, only one year apart. We are both older sisters to a younger brother. We both love our parents like crazy. So when we decided to move in together in December of 2009 I thought it would be perfect. We normally lived an hour away from each other so we weren't able to spend a lot of time together.
I quickly found out that while HD and I still had a lot in common, we were both growing and going in separate directions. I was becoming very career minded as well as looking for my future husband. HD was still stuck in college. She partied every night, and slept all day. She looked for her future husband at bars and clubs while I looked for mine at match.com. I had to be up Monday-Friday to go to work, she worked nights at a restaurant. While we were the same friends, we were becoming very different people.
Then I met Justin.
I have said before that at first I wasn't sold. Justin had to work very hard to get me to even go on a first date with him. His perseverance is what makes me love him. Once I gave him a chance, I quickly begin to realize that this was going to go somewhere. While all relationships go through their bumpy stages while getting to know each other and learning to see what each person brings and what they expect, getting through those times is what makes a good relationship. HD always jumps off the wagon during these times.
Prior to Justin, I was in a very bad relationship. I let this guy do things to me that I never thought I would put up with. I drove everywhere, paid for everything, had to beg to see him without his friends around, had to beg to even see him. I can't count how many weekends went by where we didn't even talk. How many nights went by that I stayed awake fearing that he was cheating on me. I still put him before my friends and sometimes my family. I finally got the courage to end it and I promised myself that I would never let anyone do that to me again.
I started the realtionship with Justin very different. He knew how important my family and friends were to me. He knew what I expected out of a boyfriend and the minute he showed signs of something different, I told him how I felt and we got through it.
However, as some friends can be, he wasn't good enough for me (per HD). Because we didn't spend every waking minute together, he wasn't good enough. Because he hadn't said i love you after a month of dating, he wasn't good enough. Because he didn't spoil me every minute of the day with "things" he wasn't good enough.
None of this mattered to me. I was happy for the first time in years and I wasn't letting him go.
A few months after I started dating Justin, HD met Josh. He was a nice guy and he and HD could have went far, but they were both more focused on rushing things that really seeing the full potential of their relationship. All in a month: they said I love you, looked at engagement rings, planned to move to Florida together, picked out baby names and probably more I wasn't aware of.
HD's weapon of choice when a fight happens is "breaking up". Every single time she has ever gotten in to a fight with a boyfriend, that is her automatic reaction, "lets break up". She doesn't talk about things, she breaks up. All during this month of I love yous and lets get married, multiple break ups occured.
Our friendship got to the point where we saw each other only in passing in the apartment, and anytime conversation of Justin or Josh occured, we argued. I distanced myself from her in the hopes that time would heal our wounds and we would both realize that as long as the other is happy, that's all that matters.
I realized it, but HD never did.
Since December 2010 I have been screwed over more times that I can count. I have continued to pay my rent at the apartment because she said she would "be a bitch to whoever tried to sublease". I had to completely delete her out of my life to have any kind of rest.
Once again, I fell into her trap and tried to help her brother by letting him stay in my room for $200 a month because he couldn't afford the full $600.
I received a call yesterday from the apartments that she opened a notice from the apartments for me and called them about it.
It looks like I will have to pay to have all of my keys replaced and any kind of damages she might have made.
Long story short - while I think about her everyday, and wish that somehow, someway we could put this past us. That she would grow up and realize what she has done to people. That I could have my friend back. I know that once July 31st comes and she has moved out of the apartment, and everything is finished. I can finally have my full life back. One that doesn't involve her and doesn't involve the pain she has caused me.
I can finally move on and be completely happy.