I'm getting ready to leave in a few minutes for the day :) Oh how I absolutely adore getting off at 12PM on Fridays! Even though I have to wake up earlier tomorrow morning than I do during the week, it somehow balances out. Normally I would go shopping or grab lunch with a girlfriend, but today I am going to go home and clean! Working on Saturdays and late during the week doesn't give me much time to clean. Besides, lets be honest, who wants to spend ALL their free time cleaning?! Not this girl.
However, Justin's mom gets in on Thursday, which is only 6 days a week. I've never been this deep into a relationship where the one day future MIL comes to visit, but I'm not a dumb girl. My house needs to look clean, not like a bunch of animals live in. Plus, what better time to clean than when I am moving the living room around? I have OCD/ADHD when it comes to furniture being set up one way for too long. Hopefully, I don't move everything around all.by.myself and it not fit and/or not look good. I'll be pissed!
More on how that works out later.
Now on to the "Fall Weather" part of my post. The weather forecast is low 60s all weekend, with lows in the LOW 40s! Holy crap! What are we gonna do? I am so excited :) While the mid-high 70s and low 80s is a lot better than the 100s we had this summer, I'm so ready for fall weather. I'm ready for scarves, long sleeves, oranges, browns, greens, and of course lots of Hot Chocolate from Starbucks! It just doesn't seem right to get Hot Chocolate when its 80 degrees outside!
I do work tomorrow morning. Afterwards Justin and I will probably go to his grandparents' house as his Aunt Lana is coming with her adorable daughter Paxton! She'll be here for two weeks I think, and of course his mom comes in Thursday for a week...Talk about family overload :)
We are having Sunday dinner with the entire family and its ribs. EW. I hate ribs, but I'll pretend to like them I guess!
Okay, now I'm off to the bank, to grab some lunch and then home to clean/rearrange my living room. I'll let you know/post pictures soon!
Oh and I can't forget about date night tonight :) STOKED ABOUT THAT FOR SURE!!!
Happy Friday Ya'll & Have a GREAT WEEKEND! :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Beach Getaway :) 10 Days & Counting!
Not this weekend, but next weekend I will be headed to the Outer Banks with Justin and his mom for a long weekend :) The Outer Banks hold a special place in my heart because it was the very first vacation Justin and I went on. In fact, it was the same time last year that we went. It's just so peaceful there. It's not so commercialized like some beaches, but its got enough to do that you don't get bored.
We are renting a house, at a darn good price too, that is right on the beach. I can't wait to wake up right on the ocean and spend countless hours just relaxing there.
Not to mention, his mom will be coming back to our house for a few days. I NEED TO CLEAN :) Can't let his Momma think I'm a horrible girlfriend ;)
Honestly though, I adore his mom. She is so sweet and isn't one of those MIL's that want to give their input on EVERYTHING. Now granted we aren't married...YET, but I don't think it's going to change.
Hopefully my parents can come up for dinner one night to meet her!
Everything's going great ya'll, hopefully the same goes for your lives!
Happy Tuesday :)
We are renting a house, at a darn good price too, that is right on the beach. I can't wait to wake up right on the ocean and spend countless hours just relaxing there.
Not to mention, his mom will be coming back to our house for a few days. I NEED TO CLEAN :) Can't let his Momma think I'm a horrible girlfriend ;)
Honestly though, I adore his mom. She is so sweet and isn't one of those MIL's that want to give their input on EVERYTHING. Now granted we aren't married...YET, but I don't think it's going to change.
Hopefully my parents can come up for dinner one night to meet her!
Everything's going great ya'll, hopefully the same goes for your lives!
Happy Tuesday :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hobby Lobby & The Christmas Tree Shoppe :)
My weekend was very full. I got off at 12PM on Friday and endulged in a little retail therapy :) I stopped by Home Goods. I found two tall metal candle stands/potpurri holders that I'm not sure that I want to keep yet. I also grabbed a few other odds and ends and then stopped by TJ Maxx. However, once you've been to Home Goods, TJ Maxx is about the same, maybe even less appealing.
I had to hurry over to my uncles house to catch up with my cousin Jayme. I ordered some Thirty-One products from another cousin and my uncle picked it up from her house and brought it to his. We walked to the bus stop to pick up my cousin Forrest. He had to be the CUTEST kindergartener ever with his Spiderman bookbag and lunch box!
I swung by Target and probably did the fastest shopping job ever. I grabbed a cute new shirt, some earrings to go along, a scarf that was on sale, some cute Halloween things from the dollar section and of course Bridesmaids!
I hurried home and changed to head to dinner with Justin's grandparents. We talked about my favorite subject lately, when is Justin going to propose. It was almost over kill though and I hope it isn't making him feel pressured. We left really late and I had to get up early for work so I headed to be right when we got home.
Saturday was filled with a little work and A LOT of play :) One of my co-workers and I headed to Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shoppe afterwards. We spent like 3 and 1/2 hours total in the stores and I got so much great stuff! I'm so glad I don't have either of these stores closer than an hour away to me, because I could seriously do some damage if I did.
I got home really late and slept in this morning. I decorated with some new home decor things I picked up and of course the Halloween stuff and then relaxed the rest of the day. J and I watched Bridesmaids and the episode of Extreme Home Makeover that came to Fayetteville.
Now for some pictures of the goodies I picked up. Hope everyone has a good week :)
Sorry for the picture overload. =)
I had to hurry over to my uncles house to catch up with my cousin Jayme. I ordered some Thirty-One products from another cousin and my uncle picked it up from her house and brought it to his. We walked to the bus stop to pick up my cousin Forrest. He had to be the CUTEST kindergartener ever with his Spiderman bookbag and lunch box!
I swung by Target and probably did the fastest shopping job ever. I grabbed a cute new shirt, some earrings to go along, a scarf that was on sale, some cute Halloween things from the dollar section and of course Bridesmaids!
I hurried home and changed to head to dinner with Justin's grandparents. We talked about my favorite subject lately, when is Justin going to propose. It was almost over kill though and I hope it isn't making him feel pressured. We left really late and I had to get up early for work so I headed to be right when we got home.
Saturday was filled with a little work and A LOT of play :) One of my co-workers and I headed to Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shoppe afterwards. We spent like 3 and 1/2 hours total in the stores and I got so much great stuff! I'm so glad I don't have either of these stores closer than an hour away to me, because I could seriously do some damage if I did.
I got home really late and slept in this morning. I decorated with some new home decor things I picked up and of course the Halloween stuff and then relaxed the rest of the day. J and I watched Bridesmaids and the episode of Extreme Home Makeover that came to Fayetteville.
Now for some pictures of the goodies I picked up. Hope everyone has a good week :)
Sorry for the picture overload. =)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thankful Thursday
So I have a second, literally, to update just a little and let you know what I'm thankful for on this Thursday. I have felt extra thankful the past few days and just can't hold it in any longer :)
I've been drowning this week in work, but I have the entire Friday afternoon to myself tomorrow in which I plan on going to visit my cousin Jayme to get some Thirty One purses another cousin dropped off with her as well as just relax. Saturday afternoon after I work, I plan on stopping by Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shop in Fayetteville. I've never been to either and apparently there are tons of home decor and holiday decor for super cheap! Justin is going to be watching the WVU vs LSU game anyways so why not?
I'm Thankful:
- For waking up this morning and having a job to come to. I'm guilty of complaining about having to get up early and having to work all day, some days past 5PM. In all honesty I should be extremely thankful that I have a job to come to at all and an awesome job at that.
- For my wonderful boss. I just simply cannot brag on him enough. He is definitely a team player and will help out with the lowest of jobs when he finds my desk piled high with things I need to catch up on. He also realizes that I need a break when I'm working like I have been, therefore I now get off at 12PM on Friday afternoons :)
- For Justin. He texted me this morning and said "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" My first thought was "what does he want" and when I replied with "Well yes, and I love you very much too. Why?" He simply said "No Why, I just do." I couldn't imagine my life without him now that I've lived with him. He makes me laugh, he always knows what to say when I'm sad and he is exactly what I need in a other half.
- For having a roof over my head, a good car to drive, and a little extra money for when I wanna go shopping.
- For my awesome friends who understand that I am so incredibly busy sometimes and that while we may not talk for a few days, its just that, because I'm busy.
- For my wonderful family, all of them. I couldn't ask for a better group of people in my life who have to love me no matter what I do or don't do.
- For my Aunt Cheryl, especially. She was visiting my grandpa who also lives in Raleigh and was then headed to Fayetteville because she and my momma are leaving Friday for their train trip to Maine (TTTM) and she stopped by my work to bring me chocolate for chocolate and biscuits :)
I've been drowning this week in work, but I have the entire Friday afternoon to myself tomorrow in which I plan on going to visit my cousin Jayme to get some Thirty One purses another cousin dropped off with her as well as just relax. Saturday afternoon after I work, I plan on stopping by Hobby Lobby and The Christmas Tree Shop in Fayetteville. I've never been to either and apparently there are tons of home decor and holiday decor for super cheap! Justin is going to be watching the WVU vs LSU game anyways so why not?
Happy Thursday Ya'll
Monday, September 19, 2011
Going In All Directions
I only have a few minutes to blog, so I figured I would take the chance. I'm still getting the worst blogger of the year award...I only get on here to read others' blogs. That's mostly because it's easier to read the blogs and then close the page and it takes longer to write something.
Here's a little update on things:
Justin and I are doing better than ever. I realize more and more everyday that when you are with the right person things just go right. The awful relationships I've had in the past were full of work just keep my head above water. Now I can just relax :) I do however find myself mentioning engagement rings on a daily basis in some way. Not in a nagging way, but in a cute "I'd love one of these way". I'm just so ready to be engaged and take that all in its not even funny. I don't have to be married right away, I just wanna enjoy having something sparkly on my finger!
Work is crazy, stressful, and never ending. Last week was horrible, literally the week from Hell. I was in a school almost everyday, therefore my desk looks like a tornado hit it. I am playing catch up this week to get everything back in order! I've already worked two Saturdays and I'm over it. Having one day to relax and rest for the next week is just not enough. Only a few more weeks of that thank goodness.
The only issue is that I am having a hard time balancing work, my social life, cleaning my house and resting. I need to cut something out that's for sure!
I do have a few fun things to look forward to in the next few weeks though! Justin, Me and his family (mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt etc.) are heading to the Outer Banks for a long weekend in October. The Outer Banks was our first vacation together so I always love going there :) Then I have another wedding shower of Morgan's to look forward to in October as well. We had a Pampered Chef one on Saturday and I spent way too much money!
J and I are also going with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend to an ECU game on November 5th. I haven't been to once since my freshman year there five years ago. I can't wait to tailgate and watch some Pirate Football!!!
Sorry for such a brief post and update and I really do promise to try and get better. I just get home from work and want to lay there. The last thing I wanna do is get on the computer. I will try and post some pictures from Morgan's Pampered Chef shower tonight though.
Happy Monday Ya'll :)
Here's a little update on things:
Justin and I are doing better than ever. I realize more and more everyday that when you are with the right person things just go right. The awful relationships I've had in the past were full of work just keep my head above water. Now I can just relax :) I do however find myself mentioning engagement rings on a daily basis in some way. Not in a nagging way, but in a cute "I'd love one of these way". I'm just so ready to be engaged and take that all in its not even funny. I don't have to be married right away, I just wanna enjoy having something sparkly on my finger!
Work is crazy, stressful, and never ending. Last week was horrible, literally the week from Hell. I was in a school almost everyday, therefore my desk looks like a tornado hit it. I am playing catch up this week to get everything back in order! I've already worked two Saturdays and I'm over it. Having one day to relax and rest for the next week is just not enough. Only a few more weeks of that thank goodness.
The only issue is that I am having a hard time balancing work, my social life, cleaning my house and resting. I need to cut something out that's for sure!
I do have a few fun things to look forward to in the next few weeks though! Justin, Me and his family (mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt etc.) are heading to the Outer Banks for a long weekend in October. The Outer Banks was our first vacation together so I always love going there :) Then I have another wedding shower of Morgan's to look forward to in October as well. We had a Pampered Chef one on Saturday and I spent way too much money!
J and I are also going with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend to an ECU game on November 5th. I haven't been to once since my freshman year there five years ago. I can't wait to tailgate and watch some Pirate Football!!!
Sorry for such a brief post and update and I really do promise to try and get better. I just get home from work and want to lay there. The last thing I wanna do is get on the computer. I will try and post some pictures from Morgan's Pampered Chef shower tonight though.
Happy Monday Ya'll :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11, 2001
If I think really hard, I may be able to tell you a few details of what I did last Tuesday. However, I can tell you what I did and how I felt on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
I was in 8th grade. At 8:46 AM when an airplane flew into one of the World Trade Center towers I was sitting in Mr. Hall's social studies class. I remember our prinicipal Mr. Surles coming over the intercom telling the teacher's to turn their TV's on. When the TV came on, it was a scene like non other. Until this point I had never heard of the World Trade Center. But when those scenes that will forever be burnt into my memory were shown, I'll never forget it.
One of the towers was on fire. Soon afterwards, another plane flew into the second tower. My 13 year old self was in shock. I knew this was in New York City, far far away from Fayetteville North Carolina. However, soon people started being called over the intercom to to come to the office as they were getting checked out. I came to realize that a lot of people were nervous that Fort Bragg may be a target area. Fort Bragg was probably 10-15 miles away.
I remember the English teacher on our hall, Mrs. Mc Mahon coming in telling us that her husband's mother and father who worked at the Pentagon had decided to go in late that day and as they were sitting in traffic, they saw the plane fly into the Pentagon. We now knew that three planes had been flown into buildings that our 13 year old selves had never heard of.
By the end of the day, a fourth plane, most likely headed for the White House or somewhere else in Washington, DC had landed in an open field in Pennsylvania. This due to the fact that some brave men, overtook the plane from the terrorists.
The rest of the day was filled with being scared and sad. Scared for what was to come, and sad for those families that sent their loved ones off to work, just like any other Tuesday morning, never to have them return.
I remember sitting in line at Burger King getting dinner and hearing on the radio that one of the other towers had collapsed.
I sat up that entire night, watching the news over and over again. That is probably something I as a 13 year old shouldn't have done, but I was too scared to sleep.
Sitting here today, I can't believe it's been 10 years since this happened. All the families who lost loved ones, all the families who are without their loved ones for months at a time while they are over seas fighting to keep our freedom. All the families who have lost their loved ones that gave up their lives to fight the war on terror.
I could never express how thankful I am for our troops. Those so who so gracially give up their lives to fight for ours.
God Bless America
9/11/01 Never Forgotten.
New York City, NY
Arlington, VA
Shanksville, PA
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
It's Been Awhile...
I deserve the worst blogger of the year award. I was doing so good for awhile, but once work picks up I don't have time for anything but work.
School started back on August 25th and we've had presentations and our first order day tomorrow. It's officially order season. Saturday will start my 2 months of working 6 days a week. That means I only get 8 days off in two months. Um wow. Maybe I shouldn't have brought that little piece of knowledge to my mind!
Oh well, its extra money, and well I want to have a savings account. Speaking of work, the reason I am getting to update today is because I am at my bosses house watching his two youngest for the day. There was a double up presentation today and I'm not much of a public speaker. Therefore his wife is with him, leaving me with the kids. It's always nice to have a break. And today I get to see what being a SAHM is truly like. We're going to head to the bank and Target here soon, and I have to pick up the older kids from school this afternoon as well.
Everything else is going pretty well. Although, my house needs to seriously be cleaned. I would normally say, oh I'll do it this weekend. Except I have to work Saturday and I'm sure by the time Sunday finally gets here, I won't have energy for anything. You can forget at night after work, I'm so exhausted by then that I barely make it past 10PM.
Lastly, yesterday was my wonderful Daddy's 50th birthday! We celebrated with a cookout on Labor Day with family and friends. Daniel and I handled a good portion of it. It's so weird to think that we are to the age now that we can plan a party by ourselves. I'm too lazy to upload pictures though, so just imagine what it was like.
Back to being a pretend SAHM today, Jack wants some chocolate milk :)
School started back on August 25th and we've had presentations and our first order day tomorrow. It's officially order season. Saturday will start my 2 months of working 6 days a week. That means I only get 8 days off in two months. Um wow. Maybe I shouldn't have brought that little piece of knowledge to my mind!
Oh well, its extra money, and well I want to have a savings account. Speaking of work, the reason I am getting to update today is because I am at my bosses house watching his two youngest for the day. There was a double up presentation today and I'm not much of a public speaker. Therefore his wife is with him, leaving me with the kids. It's always nice to have a break. And today I get to see what being a SAHM is truly like. We're going to head to the bank and Target here soon, and I have to pick up the older kids from school this afternoon as well.
Everything else is going pretty well. Although, my house needs to seriously be cleaned. I would normally say, oh I'll do it this weekend. Except I have to work Saturday and I'm sure by the time Sunday finally gets here, I won't have energy for anything. You can forget at night after work, I'm so exhausted by then that I barely make it past 10PM.
Lastly, yesterday was my wonderful Daddy's 50th birthday! We celebrated with a cookout on Labor Day with family and friends. Daniel and I handled a good portion of it. It's so weird to think that we are to the age now that we can plan a party by ourselves. I'm too lazy to upload pictures though, so just imagine what it was like.
Back to being a pretend SAHM today, Jack wants some chocolate milk :)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Holy cow! It's already September! I cannot believe it's already here. This year has flown by faster than I can even fathom!
It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were spending a very low key New Years Eve at his grandparents house.
It seems like just yesterday that my lover turned the big 3-0!
It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were house hunting, and finally found our house!
It seems like just yesterday that we were moving into our house that we have now lived in for almost 6 months.
There are a ton of "it seems like just yesterday's" I could go on with, but really...its already September.
That means in 2 months Thanksgiving will be here, followed quickly by Christmas and then a brand new year.
I can't even believe it! I guess it's true that time does fly when you're having fun and that the older you get, the faster time goes by.
I am so excited for the holidays that will be here soon and for a brand new year, although I don't want to rush today, because I'm having the time of my life these days :)
On another note, I woke up to 55 degree weather :) So happy to see cooler weather. I'm ready for sweaters, scarves, the state fair, hot chocolate from Starbucks and all the other fall time goodies!
It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were spending a very low key New Years Eve at his grandparents house.
It seems like just yesterday that my lover turned the big 3-0!
It seems like just yesterday that Justin and I were house hunting, and finally found our house!
It seems like just yesterday that we were moving into our house that we have now lived in for almost 6 months.
There are a ton of "it seems like just yesterday's" I could go on with, but really...its already September.
That means in 2 months Thanksgiving will be here, followed quickly by Christmas and then a brand new year.
I can't even believe it! I guess it's true that time does fly when you're having fun and that the older you get, the faster time goes by.
I am so excited for the holidays that will be here soon and for a brand new year, although I don't want to rush today, because I'm having the time of my life these days :)
On another note, I woke up to 55 degree weather :) So happy to see cooler weather. I'm ready for sweaters, scarves, the state fair, hot chocolate from Starbucks and all the other fall time goodies!
Happy Thursday and Happy September 1st :)
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