Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday Randoms

I am planning on starting a "Thursday Randoms" post. Why you ask? Well, Thursday in itself is random. We all know how much MOST of us hate Monday's. Tuesday's are only one day closer to Friday, Wednesday is Hump day and finally the middle of the week & gaining speed. Thursday is only one day away from that glorious day of Friday :) It just make sense to me to have a "Thursday Randoms" post!

I watched "Are You There, Chelsea" last night and it is HILARIOUS! As I mentioned in my post from yesterday, it was set to premiere last night on NBC at 8:30PM EST. J and I have our TV lineup for Wednesday nights as I also talked about in my post yesterday - sorry for being such a TV junkie ;). Normally at 8:30 a rather new show called Suburgatory comes on. It's okay, but it just doesn't do it for me. So I flipped over to NBC at 8:30. This show is funny! It's funny to see Chelsea Handler play Sloane the mature, married, pregnant, older sister and not the one getting the DUI and working at a bar. Definite must see!

I feel like I'm doing fairly well on my diet! Of course, today is only diet day #4, but I feel like I'm doing better than I have before and I don't have the "I wanna give up" feeling. I actually feel like I am changing my life. We have cooked at home every night this week, I've taken my lunch every day and I haven't touched soda. Justin and I are even planning on getting a gym membership to a local gym near our home on Saturday. We may treat ourselves to a little McDonald's, but nothing too crazy.

A certain brown colored delivery company is starting to piss me off! I won't name names here, but I think we can all figure out who I am talking about. They give some of the most ridiculous answers I have ever been given in my life! Things like "we don't offer that, I'm sorry" and "No I do not have a supervisor you can talk to". What the hell! Yes you do, everyone does! Or my favorite "her name wasn't listed at that address so we did an internal search and came up with this completely different address". When asked why they didn't call the shipper (us) or send it back there response was "we don't have enough people to do that for every package". Oh but you have enough to search for a new address! And the kicker...they had the nerve to act like I was the crazy person when I said well the person that received the shipment (a class ring) probably pawned it by now if they didn't say something in the past THREE MONTHS since it was shipped. I WAS HOT!

Tori and Dean make me smile. Like all the other reality TV shows I'm addicted to, Tori and Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood makes me smile. Their kids are freaking adorable, she's so pretty, he's soooo hot and they are so sweet to each other. It make it seem like their lives are a piece of cake and fun all the time!

Justin is visiting a friend in Charlotte Sunday-Monday and I'm staying home. Actually I HAVE to stay home since I am not off on MLK Day due to the 17 glorious, now awful days I got off during Christmas and New Years. Let me start by saying, I'm not upset that he gets to visit a friend, I just do not like staying at home over night by myself. I've never ever lived alone. I even go stay at my parent's house if he has to be gone overnight. However, I can't do that this time and I am seriously freaking out! There will be some major lights on in my house 24/7. Thank God it's only for one night!

And that is all for today, I think. I warned you, it was gonna be random :)

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