Friday, January 13, 2012

Movie Review & Weekend Plans

Happy Friday!!
It's finally here :) Maybe it's just me, but I feel like this week has went by SO slow! It's probably because I'm just adjusting to coming back and working a full five days. Anyways, I'm just glad it's here!

Today I am going to do a movie review and share my weekend plans. What better way to celebrate a Friday?!?

Justin and I watched this movie last night. It's What's Your Number? It stars Anna Faris & Chris Evans. It was a really cute movie and her name is Ally so that's always a plus :) The only problem I had was that it was The storyline was the same, the characters were the same just with different names and the ending was the same. It's out of the theatre so me telling you to not go watch it there is out of the question, but IF it were still there, I'd tell you to wait until it comes to RedBox/Blockbuster/Movies OnDemand whatever you use to rent movies.

Next up, weekend plans.

We are on diet day 5, whew thank goodness! I'm just glad we are making some progress. Normally by this time in a diet I am ready to throw in the white flag and be done.

Tonight Justin and I will probably rent a movie and pop in a frozen pizza (actually not THAT bad for you). Tomorrow we are going to go get a gym membership at Snap Fitness which is near our house. Wish me luck on my first day working out in oh 1051353051098105years a long time!

Tomorrow night we are meeting my parents for dinner, our semi-cheat day...still no soda though.

Sunday I desperately need to clean some, but I will probably end up in my pajamas watching TV, just being honest :) Then I am having dinner with Megan. Justin is headed to Charlotte to meet a high school friend in Charlotte for a boys night since he is off on Monday for MLK day. Lucky me, I get to come to work.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :)

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