Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year's Resolutions!

Here it is folks! A BRAND NEW YEAR :) I'm not exactly sure why I'm so excited, or why it seems that way. I know this is a little late but things have been hectic around our house, so better late than never.

I know everyone always has those New Year "resolutions" that we plan on sticking to once the new year arrives. Let's be honest people, who really sticks to their resolutions for any long period of time? I know I sure don't!

It seems like every year my #1 resolution is to lose weight. I'm taking a new approach this year. See below:

I am planning to get healthy. I know myself better than anyone, and I know it isn't realistic for me to start a diet and quit EVERYTHING cold turkey. If you can do that, more power to you :) Below is a list of things I am doing on my journey to "Get Healthy"
  • Stop drinking soda. I know I said I wasn't quitting cold turkey, but if I don't quit this cold turkey, I never will. I'm not a diet-soda kinda girl, therefore it's all H20 coming my way in 2K12 :)
  • Stop eating out. This will help my #2 resolution (to save money). Being a family of just two it is so easy to just stop by McDonald's and grab some dinner instead of cooking when we get home. However, it's not always a "stop by McDonalds" that might cost $10-$15 its $40.00 dinner to a steakhouse, more than once a week. Don't get me wrong, J and I make good money, but if we ever want to see that money add up to something, we have to stop!
  • Get my lazy butt out of bed and eat breakfast. Justin and I have timed it just right that we can sleep until 7:30 and still make it to our jobs on time at 9AM. It doesn't take that long to eat breakfast, therefore our alarm now goes off between 7AM & 7:10. Also, eating breakfast will get my metabolism started for the day.
  • Take my lunch to work. This will help with #2, but it will also help my stomach not begin to eat itself at 10AM and have me counting down the minutes until lunchtime. Better yet, on those afternoons that I just don't have the time to pull myself away from my desk to grab lunch, it's here and ready for me.
  • EXERCISE. I know I am going to start walking around our neighborhood nightly. Although, last night was a bust because it was rainy. I'm not sure if I want to get a gym membership or not yet, but it's on my to-do list for sure.
#2 Resolution - SAVE MOOLAH!

Justin and I make pretty good money for our ages and education. Unfortunately neither one of us finished college, but we would both like to do so. We have nothing to show of it! If we stop going out to eat so often and I stop shopping for unecessary things ;) we can put some cash in the bank for a rainy day!

#3 Resolution - BLOG MORE!

I have had my blog for almost a year now (well in May) and it's just lame. I can see why I don't have many followers. I need to spruce up it's look first of all and could definitley use a tutorial from all of the pretty blogs I follow. I also need to blog more. I haven't blogged since right before or right after Christmas, which is just sad. So from here on out, while I am eating lunch at my desk, I will also blog. I need to participate in more link ups as well, maybe that will help the look.

So to recap, I have given myself 3 resolutions: GET HEALTHY, SAVE MOOLAH, AND BLOG MORE.

Here's to 2012 and knocking these resolutions out of the park :)

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