Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gym Day 2

Today is Gym Day 2. Remember me blogging about the first day where I did freaking 5 miles? Well today I'm headed back and I'm going to try to do more on the treadmill, maybe on an elliptical. The elliptical though is kinda hard to me. I get the concept, but somehow I end up looking dumb, or at least I feel that way. Sorry today's post isn't longer, or more interesting for that matter. I promised to try and blog everyday and I didn't get much of a lunch break! I will leave you with one hell of a funny picture though :) One of my friends pinned it on Pinterest and I stole it from Google!  Happy Tuesday Bloggies!

1 comment:

  1. That is what I look like when I run too....not the top picture, the bottom one!!

    New follower!
