Christmas was wonderful. There is no better way to describe it than that. Wonderful.
We headed down to my parents house and had a delicious turkey dinner on Christmas Eve.
This was followed by Trivial Pursuit and another game I can't remember the name of.
We played boys against girls and there was some serious "I wanna win" attitudes going on.
There was tons of yelling and laughing.
Hands down, best Christmas Eve EVER!
We can't forget about Twas the Night Before Christmas, as that was read too!
We all retired to the living room and relaxed.
My brother took his girlfriend home.
He got back and realized he lost his wallet.
Then began our journey to find it.
I rode with him to the gas station,
where we witnessed a Christmas Miracle :)
Two guys found it and brought it inside to the clerk.
All money and cards were still inside!
We woke up Christmas morning and went to church.
We came home and had roast for lunch. It was AMAZING!
At one point I think all of us were napping on the couch, the floor, a chair, where ever we could.
Jessica (my brother's gf) came over.
Poppa got home from his sisters.
The opening of presents started!
Boy did we all rack up :)
We must have all been extra good this year because there were tons of goodies under the tree.
Just to name a few:
This girl got TWO, not one, but TWO pairs of diamond earrings from my honey
a pink sapphire and diamond ring from my momma
two charms for my pandora bracelet
$100 to TARGET
$100 cash
a 31 bag I've been dying for
and plenty of other things :)
I know Christmas isn't about the presents, but hey I'm just thankful for what I got!
We then headed to my grandmas for a little bit and then made the trip home.
All in all it was so wonderful.
I did a little post-Christmas shopping and scored some pretty cute Christmas decorations.
I also found this gorgeous purple and teal pandora-esqe bracelet watch for $12.99 on Zulilly!
I am now headed to spend a few days with my family since they are still off from Christmas!