We are back from the Outer Banks. Lets just say the trip did not go the way I wanted it to and from now on, Justin and I will be taking solo trips to OBX :) Unfortunately his grandpa and sister DO not get along.
However it was nice to wake up to the sound of the ocean and beautiful sunsets every morning and the weather was to die for!
As soon as I got back Monday I headed down to Fayetteville. My dad's aunt passed away from cancer and we had the family night. I couldn't make the funeral the next day, so I definitely wanted to make this one.
The rest of the week has been busy and has flown by! I know it has alot to do with being a short week, but I'll take it. Justin seems to think its went slow.
I've made dinner every night this week. I made tacos Tuesday night and Hamburger Helper last night. Ok so maybe not the hardest things, but I cooked and cleaned up. Therefore we saved money by not going out to eat, not paying someone to serve us and its probably healthier :)
Tonight is Boneless Thursdays at Buffalo Wild Wings and I have seriously been CRAVING some wings. So J is going to pick them up on the way home. Hey at least its $0.50 boneless night right...
This weekend is going to be a crazy one. Morgan (the friend getting married next month) is having yet another bridal shower. Unfortunately after talking to my momma this morning I think she needs me a little more, so I may not be attending. I have to work Saturday all the way in Wilson, but I do get a phone road trip with Cara & Melissa :)
Now on to the "ranting" part of my post.
The summer before my senior year of high school so almost 7 years ago, my family and I moved into a new home. One we had custom built to include an "in-law" suite for my grandpa (my dad's dad). The problem was that the house was WAY to big for just the three of them (mom, dad & grandpa) and Daniel and I would be out in a few short years.
The other problem is that my grandpa is set in his ways. He is so peculiar about the way he does things that it can seriously stress you out. Let me start by saying that I love him to death, but he is driving my momma nuts!
I've always believed that the smallest things can drive you the craziest. The way someone smacks their gum, the way someone moans while they eat. The routines that people develop can really be unnerving. My grandpa falls into that category.
Some things that REALLY get on my nerves, as well as my mommas:
1. Getting ice from the ice maker when someone is sleeping in the next room or in the middle of the night.
2. Making all kinds of noise while people are sleeping, but expecting them to be quiet while you're sleeping.
3. Asking questions/making conversations while someone is CLEARLY trying to watch TV. Thank goodness for DVR!
4. Waiting until bedtime to ask questions about things that could have been asked hours ago.
5. Asking a question, only to get an answer you don't like, followed by doing what you wanted in the first place.
6. Asking a question, that someone answers "I don't know", then asking "why don't you know"?
My list could seriously go one for pages but this is just a few things. I know this is coming off as rude or inconsiderate, but when my momma calls and talks to me for a full 30 minutes about how stressed she is, crying and cussing (which my momma doesn't do, the cussing not the crying) and just sounds about as helpless as can be I get aggravated.
There is so much more I could say about this subject, but I'll stop. Just like I told my momma sometimes you need to be able to just let it out, and that's what I'm doing here.
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