Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Stud Finder/Picture Hanger Expert :)

So last night I finally got to hang some pictures that I bought a few weekends ago. What's worse is that we've lived in our home for six months now and these were the FIRST things to go up on the wall! How sad is that? I already feel like we need more, however my home decor budget is a little tight these days with the upcoming beach trip!

I bought a stud finder a week ago, but didn't think about picking up nails or checking to see if Justin had a hammer (He didn't). He picked those pieces up last night and after dinner he directed me oh how to use the stud finder, where to hang the pictures and if they looked straight. I was actually pretty good at it too, everything came out straight, or at least it looked that way to me!

{this is in the kitchen}

{this is in the entryway I created by moving the couch up, not sure if the lamp is going to work there though}

{on another wall in the living room}

I promise everything is straight, it was just early this morning when I took pictures.

Tonight, I plan on going home and knocking out all if not most of the cleaning that needs to be done for his mom coming in on Thursday. It's already Tuesday, and tomorrow I believe we have a dinner date with his aunt who is also visiting, so honestly tonight's the night.

I'm gonna get back to work and enjoy my wonderful hot chocolate I picked up from Starbucks on the way in on this chilly morning :) I'm sad that it's going to be in the mid 70s today, but at least its not going to be 100. I'm SO ready for chilly, long-sleeves, scarf weather!

Happy Tuesday Ya'll :)

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