Sunday, November 6, 2011

ECU Game

First off, this extra hour thing isn't helping. I woke up at 7:15 (which I guess was really 8:15) but still, I could have slept longer. I woke up all because the sun was shining brightly thru my windows.

Mental note to self: I need curtians ASAP :)

Back to the real reason for the post: The ECU Game I went to yesterday with my family! We had such a wonderful day! This was the first time that my parents, Justin and I and my brother and his girlfriend have spent an extended amount of time with each other and it was fun!

The day started with Justin and I getting to Greenville about 11. We all decided to start drinking. BAD IDEA. This girl hear was Ms. Drunko for a good part of the afternoon. In front of my parents. First time ever for that! Oh well, at least I did it legally :)

We headed to the game which started at 4PM and were 3 rows from the VERY top of the stadium. However, the seats were really good and it we were pretty much at the 50 yard line. ECU started off great with a touchdown right away, but Southern Miss got away with a touchdown and took it from there.

We decided to leave around halftime and go be fat asses and get our grub on. We headed to Texas Roadhouse and the steak I had melted in my mouth it was so good!

By the time we got done eating it was pretty late so we all headed home. Overall though it was such a fun day :)

Now for some pictures, as I was a good blogger and took lots!

 {Momma & Daddy}
 {Daddy & I}
 {Justin and I
 {Jessica, Me and Momma}
 {Jessica & I}
 {Justin and I again, heading to the game}
 {Me and Momma outside the stadium}
 {Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium}

 {Daniel & Jess}

 {Justin, George, & Daniel}

 {All of Us}
{Momma & Justin}

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