So first of all, its the beginning of February or almost the middle, however you choose to look at it. The weather forecast for tonight? 100% chance of snow. Now no, its not going to snow like it did on Christmas (we got 10 and a half inches) and well for us, thats a lot. But it is gonna snow just enough to annoy me. I'm not gonna get off of work and I'm not gonna get to go in late. I'm so tired of snow. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but I'm over it!
Now the real reason for my post, I need to vent...
I live 45 minutes to an hour away from work. I have to wake up at 6:30 just to barely make it on time, and I normally go to bed at 9 or 9:30 every night, but I'm exhausted. Not as in I need more sleep, just mentally exhausted. My job is stressful, I hate putting at least 80 miles a day on my car (gas isn't cheap you know) and I'm stressing out about money.
I decided to go back to school this fall. For the past three years I have had a steady job where I knew the paycheck was coming. Now, I am about to give that up, apply for grant and loans, get a job as a server at a restaurant and go to school. I'm scared to death that everything is going to fall apart.
Justin and I are looking to move closer to our jobs, and that's another thing I'm worried about.
It's pretty much just a whole bunch of things that are starting to pile up and its starting to catch up to me.
I know everything will work itself out, but I guess I'm just having a hard time believing that. I'm just glad I have a great family, great friends and a great boyfriend. My Momma and my friends always listen to me rant on and on, even if its only so I can get it out and my boyfriend assures me that everything will COMPLETELY work out...
I guess I just need to have a little more faith in myself....
Everything happens for a reason! Just stay calm and everything will fall into place.