Friday, February 4, 2011

Livin in Sin

I typed my first post, waited a few hours and deleted it. I think I came about this in the wrong way. I gave this long history of my past year and a half when in reality I want to move on from the past and embrace the future.

The first thing I want to talk about is - living with your significant other!

Justin and I moved in together - officially - December 20, 2010. I was raised in a Christian home. I went to the same church every single Sunday from the time I was a week old, until I moved to Raleigh. In the Bible, we are told that living with your significant other before marriage is wrong. However, I feel it is absolutely a must if you want to live a long and happy life :) As they say, always test out a car before you buy it!

I know there are couples out there that didn't live together before they got married and that hasn't stopped them from having long and wonderful marriages, but with the odds in my family (my parents are the single two people that have NEVER been divorced) I was a little skeptical to wait until I was married.

While Justin and I were only together for 4 to 5 months before we first started talking about moving in together, and only together for 6 months before making it official, I think we made the right choice. While living with anyone can be hard, living with a man is especially difficult.

Unlike us girls, men want to show you where they first started taking off their clothing and where they ended. Leaving a cabinet or drawer open only makes it easier next time they need to get something out of that same place. And don't get me started on the toilet seat.... While we are discovering these things on a daily basis, I think a little talking and compromise have made it easier to push forward.

I'll end with this quote - "A marriage (we'll use relationship in my case) is like a small garden, it takes a little work and a lot of love each day" - unknown (although my mom has it framed in her house)


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