Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Mornings - Yes two posts in one day...

Saturday morning may possibly be my favorite day & time of the week. Most Saturdays you don't have to wake up at a certain time, and you can just relax. But you can also go out and explore the world. My favorite Saturday's often include either breakfast or lunch, a little shopping, and relaxing with my man. As I am sitting here on this rainy and dreary Saturday morning, I got to thinking..

It is now 12:15PM, which means there are approximately only 12-13 hours left in the day. While I woke up at 9AM, came and laid on the couch, had a breakfast of chocolate chip cookies and milk (my mom would be so proud), and started watching movies. I am 85% through the second FULL move I have watched, and well, Justin is still sleeping. He stirred around 10:30, came and took some medicine (he had some dental work done Thursday) and went and laid back down. I have begun contemplating on whether or not I should take my cute self in there and wake him up. After all, its lunchtime and well my chocolate chip cookies are gone and my stomach needs something of more substance. Waking him up could have two possible outcomes:

1. He could wake up, just as happy as could be. Much like he did this morning when my alarm I forgot to turn off started playing. He began gently pushing me and when I asked what he was doing he replied with "bugging you, because I can".

2. Or he could wake up pissed off or in a bad mood. I'm not much for being around people in those kind of moods, and since we live in the middle of NOWHERE, I really don't have a place to go if he's in a bad mood.

I'm ready to seize the day! I could be in Greenville with my parents and brother having lunch, but instead I'm here, on the couch, starving...and lonely. My idea of today was going to be lunch and looking for furniture as we desperately need a new couch and something other than our rather uncomfortable chair.

I guess the point of this post was to say: "Your plans depend on the one who sleeps in." and well this girl can't sleep all day. - I'll be a good girlfriend and I'll fill my day with movies I've seen numerous times and some chips and dip, to tide over my hunger. That is until the beast awakens and decides how he wants to spend the rest of his day.

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