Friday, November 18, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding!

It's finally here folks! Tomorrow my oldest friend will be saying "I DO" :) The past year has flown by. I still remember it like it was yesterday that I was driving down I-40 checking Facebook and saw that she was engaged. I think I let out a scream to my empty car and immediately called her! The months of planning, parties, and events are over and tonight is the rehearsal. Justin and I have to be there at 6PM, followed by a catered dinner in the church's fellowship hall. Tomorrow the festivities start at 10:30AM with my hair appointment.

I have been one busy little bee this week. I started Sunday night looking for a dress to wear. While I have a few in my closet that I could wear, this is a special occasion and I can definitely justify spending money on a new dress. However, I'm about to the point where I am over online shopping, at least for clothes anyways! I found this gorgeous green satin dress that I wanted to wear with black heels. I recently dyed my hair back to its natural "darkest brown/light black" and I figured the green would absoultely pop! I get the dress Wednesday and it was made for a girl with absolutely no hips and no butt. This girl here has both, and plenty of it!

Frustrated me headed to Old Navy to return it and frantically search for something else. Of course, most of the dresses were made the same way. I find this very odd because normally I have no problem buying clothes from Old Navy. I scurried over to Belk and found a more flowy, comfortable number that was originally $98.00, but on sale for $30.00 :) My kinda deal!

I did finally buy some leggins and I tried those out with a tunic and books yesterday and I am in L.O.V.E. I will most definitely be buying a few more pairs.

Off the wedding subject for a bit and on to the Breaking Dawn, Part One subject :) I was one of the crazies out at midnight last night seeing it! While I have a little headache today, the people were rude leaving the parking lot, not to mention it was FUHREEZING, I am so glad I did it! BEST.MOVIE.EVER! Not kidding.
My favorite line of the movie is as follows:

"No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever" - Edward Cullen

How amazingly sweet is that?

Now I'm off to fix this bushy unibrow problem that I've been putting off way too long, and to get a few last minute things. Then to do a little cleaning and packing!

I am so very happy for Morgan and Blake! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

ECU Game

First off, this extra hour thing isn't helping. I woke up at 7:15 (which I guess was really 8:15) but still, I could have slept longer. I woke up all because the sun was shining brightly thru my windows.

Mental note to self: I need curtians ASAP :)

Back to the real reason for the post: The ECU Game I went to yesterday with my family! We had such a wonderful day! This was the first time that my parents, Justin and I and my brother and his girlfriend have spent an extended amount of time with each other and it was fun!

The day started with Justin and I getting to Greenville about 11. We all decided to start drinking. BAD IDEA. This girl hear was Ms. Drunko for a good part of the afternoon. In front of my parents. First time ever for that! Oh well, at least I did it legally :)

We headed to the game which started at 4PM and were 3 rows from the VERY top of the stadium. However, the seats were really good and it we were pretty much at the 50 yard line. ECU started off great with a touchdown right away, but Southern Miss got away with a touchdown and took it from there.

We decided to leave around halftime and go be fat asses and get our grub on. We headed to Texas Roadhouse and the steak I had melted in my mouth it was so good!

By the time we got done eating it was pretty late so we all headed home. Overall though it was such a fun day :)

Now for some pictures, as I was a good blogger and took lots!

 {Momma & Daddy}
 {Daddy & I}
 {Justin and I
 {Jessica, Me and Momma}
 {Jessica & I}
 {Justin and I again, heading to the game}
 {Me and Momma outside the stadium}
 {Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium}

 {Daniel & Jess}

 {Justin, George, & Daniel}

 {All of Us}
{Momma & Justin}

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Some Recaps

Here it is folks, November. For one I can't believe we are all ready here! It seems like just yesterday it was November and we're already back to it. Although, I can't complain. I love November, not as much as a love December, but its my second favorite. I am a Christmas fanatic! I could start listening to Christmas music now and be just fine all the way thru Christmas! The only reason I haven't started chaning from my fall decorations to Christmas decorations is because Justin would probably shoot me ;)

So much is planned for this month! Justin and I are headed to Greenville this weekend to enjoy some tailgating and Pirate Football with my parents, brother and his girlfriend. I haven't been tailgating since my freshman year of college, 5 years ago.

Then Sunday is Morgan's last bridal shower, given by our church. I am so happy for her, but so ready for all the showers to be over :)

Then next weekend her grandma is throwing a bridesmaids brunch which will be fun, followed by her bachelorette party in Myrtle Beach. Her wedding is the following weekend, I am so excited for her!

However I can't leave out that this week I purchased my midnight showing ticket for Breaking Dawn Part 1. It turns out that I will be off the Friday that it comes out for Morgan's wedding, so Carrie and I will be going to see it Thursday/Friday morning at 12:01AM. I am SO stoked!

Then comes Thanksgiving.  Don't get me wrong I'm excited for three days of work, turkey and time with my family. However, I'm not excited for the fact that Justin and I will not be togther on Thanksgiving. He only has Thursday off and therefore has opted to not go to West Virginia for Thanksgiving, but spend it with his grandparents here. While that's fine, I can't go another year without seeing my grandparents on Thanksgiving or Christmas. So I will be headed to my momma's this year.

After Thanksgiving I can finally start decorating for Christmas! I think this is what I am 100% the most excited for. It may sound lame but I can't wait. This will be the first time I can truly decorate for Christmas, tree, stockings, the whole nine yards! Justin and I already figured out how to arrange the living room so that the tree will fit. Right now, I am looking for some inexpensive glass cylinder hurricane type things (I think that's what they are called) to fill with ornaments for the mantle. Kind of like this:

However, now I better get back to work :)

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!