Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Either I'm super excited about this blogging thing and that's why I wanted to do a second post today, or I'm just bored and have the avoid any negativity - we'll go with the first :)

My bedroom is a complete mess right now. While it wasn't the cleaniest before we started packing, its even worse now. Justin and I are leaving for Parkersburg, West Virginia tomorrow until Monday.

Justin was born in Parkersburg and lived there and/or the surrounding towns most of his life. He moved to NC, I believe 2 or 2 1/2 years ago (maybe I should know this). This will be my third trip to Parkersburg and to say the least, I'm excited.

I think I'm most excited because we are going on vacation. The thought of going on vacation always makes me happy. I don't know if its the road trip, the change of scenary or just being off work that does it, but I'm definitely look forward to it.

I'm also happy that I enjoy spending time with Justin's family. I met them Thanksgiving of 2010. While I was very nervous, I soon learned that I had nothing to worry about. They are absolutely the kind of people that feel "if Justin loves her, we love her". I am very blessed that I got good day at least.

I need to finish, well start packing and get off the computer and stop watching my guilty MTV pleasures.

I'll post pictures of our weekend in Parkersburg/Millersburg, Ohio (Amish country)

One last thing:

I've asked Justin 3 days in a row to pick up milk. I love having something sweet after dinner, but I need milk to go along with it. The only day I really, really wanted it was Monday. I just asked Tuesday and tonight to see his reaction. When he said that he forgot again today I said "I hope you don't forget our future children like this" and he said "I wouldn't put it past me, but I'll do my best" - gotta love that man!

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