As I have mentioned in some of my previous posts, when I decided to start a blog, I fully intended on posting several times a week. I have no where near kept up with that, but I really am going to start trying harder. I'll start with a few updates on everything:
The House:
We have been in the house a little over 3 months (wow, that's the first time I thought about that) and I am no where near where I thought I would be. While everything is pretty set in the main rooms (i.e. - kitchen, living room, guest bathroom, our bedroom & bathroom) the other two rooms have barely been touched. I really thought everything would be in its place by May 1st. Unfortunately it's not and I don't see it happening in the next few weeks either (I'll explain why later). We haven't had any guests, so the guest room not being complete isn't a total disaster. The bed currently serves as our laundry basket (where we keep all of our clean clothes right out of the dryer). I'm not going back to school full time right now & since the Internet was set up in our room and I'm too cheap right now to go buy a wireless router, in our room it will stay. The office is currently being used as storage. I am just so tired when I get home, or as you'll see in the rest of our post, our social calendar is
Around mid-February I decided I wanted to go back to school full time. I decided that being an office manager was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. However, I got a call on the morning of April 17th that
quickly changed my mind.
I started working for Jostens in November of 2007. At the time I was still in school, changing from major to major and not really getting anywhere. At the time, I had no idea how blessed I was to have such a wonderful boss, that is until he left and I got the exact opposite. December 2009 brought about the
biggest change in my whole 21years of life...Randy (my boss) asked if I would be willing to move to Raleigh and work out of his home. The previous February I ended a 2 year relationship, and at this time with the ever changing majors and not really "having anything to stay for" I decided to make the move. For those of you that knew me, I planned on staying in Hope Mills my entire life, but honestly moving was the best choice I have ever made. It has made me value "home" that much more, as well as it made me grow up once and for all. Three months after I moved to Raleigh, I get bad news "I'm taking a position at the corporate office (in Minnesota) and a new boss is coming and he has to keep you around for at least a year at your current salary".
So you mean basically I moved almost 100 miles away from the only home I've ever known, to a town where I knew less than 10 people, and now I have to live here for no reason and prove to a man I've never met that I deserve the job I've been doing for almost 3 years now? Great...
The new boss came in and the old boss (and his family, who I'd grown very close to) left. It was such a rocky start. It left me contemplating quitting right away. The only thing that stopped me was not having a back up job, or at least not one that paid my salary. The more time went on, and the more disagreeing my new boss and I did, I decided to leave after the school year was up. That is until April 17th...
So I have since decided to stay here, and take some online classes to at least finish up a degree in business.
Justin and I
June 19th marked our one year anniversary. I thank God everyday that he put Justin in my life and that he kept putting him there until my stubborn self gave in and took the chance of a lifetime. We have done some exciting things over the past year...two trips to the Outer Banks, which could now be one of my favorite vacay spots & only 3 hours away! We went to a drive-in movie in Henderson (about an hour away) and saw two brand new movies (Green Lantern & Hangover Part II for $6.00). We are going on our third trip (together) to Parkersburg, WV where Justin is from and most of his family still lives. We are leaving tomorrow, making a pit stop in Princeton (just inside the WV state line) where it just so happens my closest cousin Sam lives to have lunch, and then spending the weekend & Monday with his friends and family. Justin, his mom and I will be making the trip to Millersburg, Ohio to visit Amish country (something I've never done) and to see
FIREWORKS. I am like a little kid when it comes to fireworks and since my lovely boyfriend knows this, he made sure to include fireworks somewhere in our trip since its 4th of July weekend and all! Another plus is that it is almost 20 degrees cooler in Parkersburg than in Raleigh!
Morgan & Blake's Wedding
Morgan has been one of my friends since she was in 2nd grade and I was in 3rd grade so for 15 years. When we were younger our families were very close. We went on vacations together and always had get togethers at each others houses. As time as gone on and we've all gotten older and busier we've spent less and less time together. However, Morgan is and always will be one of those friends that you can go months and months without even talking to and pick up right where you left off. She and Blake have been dating since her senior year of high school, so over 4 1/2 years. He proposed at a football game at their high school last fall. This was so appropriate for them as she was head cheerleader and he was the quarterback (seems like a fairy tale huh?). When she asked me to be in her wedding, I have never been more honored. Their wedding is scheduled for November 19, 2011 (their 5 year anniversary). The next few months are full of bridal showers, parties, and get togethers. So far the bride & bridesmaids have went and seen the movie Bridesmaids. Morgan and Blake's engagement party was 2 weekends ago. July will hold the lingerie bridal shower. September & October will house two more traditional bridal showers. November will bring a bridesmaids luncheon, bachelorette party & the wedding! I couldn't be happier for two people and I am so excited to share their special day with them :)
PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE to post pictures after our trip and to update this more often. It will definitely make these posts a lot shorter! :)