Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's been awhile...

When I first started this, I planned on writing everyday, or at least a few times a week...yeah that didn't happen.

Since I wrote last, Justin and I have moved into a new house & I got a new car. The move, as was the car were both needed, for the following reasons, in no particular order:

1. We were living an hour away from work - having to wake up before the sun came up & the ever rising gas prices made up our minds that a move closer to our works was a must. We now live 20-30 minutes away from work.

2. Our house, well should I say Justin's house that I moved in to, was 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and straight out of 1970's. It reminded me of the Brady Bunches' vacation home...wood paneling & ORANGE i'm not joking.

3. As previously mentioned, it was Justin's house. May would have been two years that Justin has been living there. I felt like I needed a place, that we picked out together, to call ours.

4. We lived in Mayberry. Well no not really, but it was Mayberry's cousin. It literally had a Food Lion, two gas stations, a Chinese restaurant, a pizza place, a Subway, a Dollar General, a Family Dollar, and a few Mom & Pop places that closed before we got off of work and were SUPER busy on the weekends. Needless to say the nearest "civilization" was a good 25-30 minutes away.

We moved in March 26th, the day before my 23rd birthday. And while it was hard to relinquish the spotlight of my birthday onto something else, it was definitely worth it. I did go a little overboard in the month prior to the move buying new decorations and things we needed. I am almost done with the unpacking and finding a home for everything, but I'm taking my time for sure.

I am so happy that we have taken this step in our lives :) We have our first H♥ME!

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