Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend!

I traveled to Hope Mills to see my Momma. I planned on devoting the entire weekend to time with her. Normally when I come home, I try to squeeze in visits with friends as well, but nope, not this weekend, it was all for this lady!

I arrived Friday night after work, and my parents, my grandpa and I all went to my favorite Mexcian restaurant. Now when I saw Mexican, I need to explain that I don't like Mexican food. However, this place has the BEST cheese dip ever! After dinner, we came home and watched a movie.

Saturday morning I talked her into sneaking out to breakfast, just the two of us. We went to this little cafe called Becky's. My grandma's best friend owns it and she serves the yummiest breakfast food! We came back, did a little of my work project I had looming over my head (more about that later) and then got ready. We decided to do a little shopping and a lot of browsing. We started at a garden shop where I got this nifty flag for Justin and I's house:
We then moved on to a cupcake shop in downtown Fayetteville. I am a sucker for all of the cupcake and wedding shows that come on TV and while I was super excited to try this place, I quickly realized this was nothing like DC cupcakes! The cupcakes weren't bad, just not really good and they served them on styrofoam plates like this:

Although the booths were quite adorable as were the decorations
We finished our shopping day with Target, where I bought NOTHING. I am an even bigger sucker for Target and can spend at least $50 on any given day. However, Saturday was just not my day.

We went home and had Beef tips and rice with brown gravy (my favorite). Then my brother, who had surprised my mom earlier in the day, had his girlfriend come over. My mom and brother wanted to go see Thor. Jessica and I decided to go see Water for Elephants! A definite must :)

We got back from the movie and I still had work left, I finished about 3AM.

Sunday, my brother and I went to church with my momma. We then we to lunch with my dad's mom and side of the family. We finished our day with a game of scrabble, by mom's request and I headed back to Raleigh. I'd say all in all it was a wonderful weekend :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

One Month Already!

Justin and I have been in our new house an entire month already. The time has flown by for sure. While some of our rooms still aren't as complete as I'd like them to be, everything seems to be coming together. I now know that the next time we move (which will be into a house we buy once we are married)  I am taking time off of work to move and unpack. We decided we would move over a weekend, March 25-27th. We started moving smaller items Thursday night when we got the keys, and then some of the heavier furniture Friday night. We were waiting on my brother to get here to help with the biggest stuff the next day, so we dropped off our last load at 1AM.

We moved all day Saturday, and Justin made two more trips on Sunday. He let me stay home with my parents who came to visit for my birthday. Then we spent the next week after work moving stuff and finally finished the following Friday.

The living room, kitchen, guest bathroom/Justin's bathroom are all done. The room we are using for a guest room and the room we are using an office are currently storage rooms so their doors stay closed most of the time.

Here is a picture of the outside of our house, I'll post pictures of the inside once everything is complete!